Maracas 2000

Peter Doig (1959 - )

26 colour screenprint

  • About the work

    Peter Doig's works can often disorient us, as he explores
    the workings of memory, giving a visual form to the experience of looking back
    on the past. In this screenprint we view a single figure standing atop a
    monolithic structure that looks almost Ziggurat-like. The foliage suggests it
    is a tropical location. Doig lives in Trinidad. Maracas, which could reference
    the musical instrument, is also the name of a bay on the island and was drawn
    from his memory of seeing a man in Trinidad standing alongside a huge stack of
    totem-like speakers. His work, drawing here on both abstraction and figuration,
    often explores how memory invites us to consider the status of the people,
    places and events that are remembered, whether they exist in private or public
    realms, and in personal or shared experiences.

  • About the artist
    Born in Scotland, Peter Doig grew up between Canada and Trinidad. He studied art in London first at Wimbledon School of Art and later at St Martins School of Art. He went on to the Chelsea School of Art, where he completed an MA in 1990. He moved to Trinidad in 2002 where he currently lives and works. His work has been shown in numerous solo exhibitions internationally including at The Courtauld, London and Musée d’Orsay, Paris (2023); Kunstraüme, Zermatt, Switzerland (2022); The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (2020). Group exhibitions including his work have been held most recently at venues including Albertina Museum, Vienna; Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia; Halifax, Canada (all 2022); Fondation Beyeler, Basel and Hayward Gallery, London (both 2021). His work was also included in the 56th Venice Biennale (2015).
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  • Details
    Maracas 2000
    26 colour screenprint
    height: 76cm; width 60cm
    Purchased from Counter Editions, January 2024
    br: 28/150 signature '23
    Counter Editions, Margate UK; from whom purchased by UK Government Art Collection, 15 January 2024
    GAC number