Roles in action

Looking after over 15,000 works of art, our staff bring expertise, passion and pragmatism to their roles. Discover what happens behind the scenes through a series of interviews and accounts.

Three art technicians installing a picture on to a wall at the Ambassador's Residence in Paris

Curating the Contemporary Display for the Paris Embassy

The display of contemporary art in the Glazed Galleries of the British Residence in Paris changes each time a new Ambassador takes up post. Find out what is needed to curate this space from our Deputy Director and Senior Curator.

Behind the Image: Impromptu Photo-Booths and a Studio on the Go

The Digital Media and Photography Manager takes us behind-the-scenes and into the photography studio where he tells us what he's after, when he documents work for the Government Art Collection.

A Day in the Life of a Senior Collection Coordinator

Ever wondered what the role of a Senior Collection Coordinator is all about? Discover more about a typical day with a member of our team.

A bust of King George V in military uniform

Collecting Stories about Art

The Modern and Contemporary Curator talks about the art of uncovering stories hidden within the Government Art Collection.

Installation view George Hayter Queen Victoria entrance of HMA residence, Moscow, 2010

There’s No Such Word as Impossible: Placing Art on Any Wall

Two decades at the Government Art Collection: stories from behind-the-scenes with our Technical Manager.

Dr Laura-Maria Popoviciu giving a tour in Athens

The Adventures of a Time-Traveller: Researching the Historical Collection

What's involved in being a curator at the Government Art Collection? Join our pre-1900 Curator on a journey through time and space.