View near Richmond

  • About the work
    Country: Norway
    City: Oslo
    Place: British Embassy
  • About the artist
    John Heaviside Clark worked as an engraver, book illustrator and a landscape and marine painter. He was born in Scotland, but worked in London from 1802 to 1832. Clark exhibited his works, mainly maritime and landscape subjects, at the Royal Academy from 1812 to 1832. He was known as ‘Waterloo Clark’ as a result of the many sketches he made of the scene immediately after the conclusion of the Battle of Waterloo. Publications illustrated by Clark include ‘Field Sports Etc. of the Native Inhabitants of New South Wales’ (1813) and ‘Practical Illustration of Gilpin’s Day’ (1824). He died in Edinburgh in October 1863. Examples of his work can be found at Glasgow Art Gallery, the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, and Maidstone Museum.
    John Hill was an aquatint engraver of topographical views, costume and marine subjects. He produced engravings after the work of contemporary artists, including Augustus Charles Pugin, Edward Dayes and Philip James de Loutherbourg. Hill worked in London from about 1800 to 1814. He later emigrated to the United States, where he died.
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  • Details
    View near Richmond
    Coloured aquatint
    Purchased from F B Daniell, December 1950
    GAC number