Texas (Sunset Hoops) 8

Paul Graham (1956 - )

Pigment print


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© Paul Graham

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  • About the work
    Country: UK
    City: London
    Place: Government Art Collection
  • About the artist
    Paul Graham was born in Stafford in the UK. He studied for a Bsc at Bristol University and in 1980 held his first exhibition, House Portraits, photographs of modern detached suburban houses. These early works revealed his interest in social themes and subsequent trips to Northern Ireland, beginning in 1984, resulted in a series of works relating to the political and social history of the province. Graham spent much of the 1990s working on the Continent and had exhibitions in Brazil, Romania, Poland and Greece. In 2009, a mid career survey Paul Graham: Photographs 1981–2006 opened at the Folkwang Museum, Essen and toured to Deichtorhallen, Hamburg and the Whitechapel Gallery, London. In the same year he was awarded the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize in London, and a year later the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship. In 2012 he had solo exhibitions in Sweden, France, Germany, Ireland and the USA and, in 2014, his show Does Yellow Run Forever? was shown in New York and Berlin. Graham’s work is well represented in museums and collections around the world, including the Guggenheim Museum, New York; Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and the National Museum of Photography in Bradford.
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  • Details
    Texas (Sunset Hoops) 8
    Series Title
    A Shimmer of Possibility
    Pigment print
    height: 35.50 cm, width: 50.00 cm
    Purchased from Anthony Reynolds Gallery, November 2009
    Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London
    GAC number