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UK Government Art Collection, licensed under the Open Government Licence

Copyright of images

Images of works of art on this site are not covered by the Open Government Licence. If you wish to reproduce any of the works of art featured on this site, please contact the Government Art Collection, to supply you with an image of the work and grant the appropriate reproduction rights.

If the artist of the work is alive, or has been dead for less than seventy years, there will normally be a separate copyright in the work itself in addition to the copyright in its photographic reproduction. It is your responsibility to obtain appropriate permission from the copyright holder before you reproduce a work of art. In some cases, the Government Art Collection may be able to provide you with the contact details of the copyright holder.

The Government Art Collection is the first contact for copyright of works of art on this site marked © Crown Copyright.

To see whether a work of art is still in copyright, please see the copyright notice to the left of the main image of the work of art. This copyright notice refers to the copyright in the work of art itself; in some instances, an additional copyright notice or acknowledgement is given for the photograph of the work. Where there is no reference to copyright in relation to the photographic image, the photograph in most cases will be © Crown Copyright. Please contact the Government Art Collection for information about the copyright status of specific images.

The Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS) represents many artists and estates for matters of copyright in the UK. You can contact DACS on tel: +44 (0)20 7336 8811 fax: +44 (0)20 7336 8822, or visit DACS.