Licensing images from the Collection

The Government Art Collection has a substantial library of images of the Collection. These are available for commercial reproduction, educational or personal use.

How to licence images

For information on how to obtain and use our images and information on our charges, please read the following documents. VAT at 20% will added to the prices shown below for UK customers only.

How to order images

Download the appropriate application form:

These application forms are in rich text format (RTF) for which you will need a text editor such as Microsoft Word, Wordpad or LibreOffice. You can download a free editor from the LibreOffice website.

Edit and return the completed application form by email to: Or print and post to:

Government Art Collection
Old Admiralty Building
Admiralty Place
London, SW1A 2BL

Once we receive your application form, we will send you an invoice and additional information. We will also issue a Reproduction Agreement to confirm the use of the image (where necessary).

When you receive your invoice, payment can be made by the following methods:

  • Online, using a credit or debit card
  • BACS transfer

Please do not submit any payments until an invoice has been issued. When we have received your payment, the item(s) will be dispatched.

Please note:

  • The applicant is responsible for obtaining copyright clearance – usually copyright in works of art remain the property of the artist or artist’s estate for the life of the artist plus 70 years.
  • Even if a work of art appears on this website, photographic material may not necessarily be available in every instance.
  • At least three weeks should be allowed for the processing of applications.
  • Please do not submit any payments until an invoice has been issued.
  • Payments by cash or cheque cannot be accepted.
  • The applicant is responsible for all bank charges when submitting any remittance.

Sample Reproduction Agreements

If you wish to inspect the terms of our Reproduction Agreements for commercial use the following two documents are samples of the two types of agreement we offer for commercial users.


The Government Art Collection aims to comply fully with its obligations under the Reuse of Public Sector Information (RPSI). If you have any questions or concerns regarding Government Art Collection’s handling of requests under RPSI, please contact us via email or by letter to:

Government Art Collection
Old Admiralty Building
Admiralty Place
London, SW1A 2BL