Explore: Emii Alrai

(1993 - )

Emii Alrai was born in Blackpool and received her BFA from the University of Leeds, which included a year at the École Supérieure d’art et de design Marseille-Méditerranée in France. She went on to an MA in Gallery and Museum studies, also at Leeds, graduating in 2018. She has had solo exhibitions at The Grundy, Blackpool (2023); The Hepworth Wakefield; Iniva, London; Eastside Projects, Birmingham (all 2022); Threshold, Leeds (2021); Jerwood Arts, London (2021) and The Tetley at Leeds 2020). Her work has been included in group exhibitions most recently at the Centre of Contemporary Art Glasgow (2024); Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Wolverhampton (2023); Contemporary Arts Centre, Cincinnati, US (2023); Bluecoat, Liverpool (2022); McIntosh Gallery, Western University, Ontario, Canada; and Assembly Point, London (2021).