Explore: Sara Barker

(1980 - )

Sara Barker was born in Manchester, she completed a History of Art degree at the University of Glasgow (1999), going on to receive a BFA (Hons.) in Painting at the Glasgow School of Art (2003). Her work has been shown in numerous institutional solo exhibitions, most recently at Cample Line, Thornhill, UK; Leeds Art Gallery; Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art. Arizona (all 2020); Ikon Gallery, Birmingham; and Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh (all 2016). She has made a number of sculptural commissions including for the Contemporary Art Society for Angel Court, London (2017) and for Jupiter Artland, Edinburgh. Group exhibitions including her work have been held most recently at Holburne Museum, Bath; Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow; Contemporary Art Society, London (all 2022); Mostyn Llandudno, Wales; Tate St Ives; Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge and Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art (all 2018).