Explore: Sutapa Biswas

(1962 - )

Sutapa Biswas was born in Santiniketan, India and moved to the UK at the age of four. She graduated from Leeds University (1985), going on to a postgraduate degree at the Slade School of Art (1990) and the Royal College of Art (1996-98). Her work was recently exhibited in two retrospective exhibitions at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary art, Gateshead and Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, both 2022-23). Her work was exhibited extensively in the 1980s and 1990s. She was a key figure in the Black Arts Movement of the 1980s and her work was part of Thin Black Line at the Institute of Contemporary Art (1985) and included in numerous exhibitions throughout that decade and the 1990s. Group exhibitions including her work have been held at Tate Britain (2025 and 2023-2024); Drawing Room, London (2024). Works by Biswas are included in the Collections of Cartwright Hall, Bradford; Tate Britain, London and the University of Leeds Gallery.