Explore: Peter Doig

(1959 - )

Born in Scotland, Peter Doig grew up between Canada and Trinidad. He studied art in London first at Wimbledon School of Art and later at St Martins School of Art. He went on to the Chelsea School of Art, where he completed an MA in 1990. He moved to Trinidad in 2002 where he currently lives and works. His work has been shown in numerous solo exhibitions internationally including at The Courtauld, London and Musée d’Orsay, Paris (2023); Kunstraüme, Zermatt, Switzerland (2022); The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (2020). Group exhibitions including his work have been held most recently at venues including Albertina Museum, Vienna; Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; Art Gallery of Nova Scotia; Halifax, Canada (all 2022); Fondation Beyeler, Basel and Hayward Gallery, London (both 2021). His work was also included in the 56th Venice Biennale (2015).