Explore: Lubaina Himid

(1954 - )

Born in Zanzibar, Lubaina Himid moved to the UK as a child, where she studied Theatre Design at Wimbledon College of Art and Cultural History at the Royal College of Art, London. For over 40 years, she has actively encouraged the promotion and support of the Black Arts Movement, particularly work by women. In the 1980s and ‘90s, she curated a number of important group exhibitions including ‘The Thin Black Line' (ICA, 1985) and 'Unrecorded Truths' (Elbow Room, 1986). Himid currently lives and works in Preston and is Professor of Contemporary Art at the University of Central Lancashire. She is the winner of the 2017 Turner Prize. A major monographic exhibition of her work was held at Tate Modern (2021-2022).Other solo exhibitions of her work have been held at Sharjah Art Foundation UAE (2023); Muse?e cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne (2022); Tate Britain, London; Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, The Netherlands ; and New Museum, New York (all 2019). Her work is held in various key museum collections around the world.