Explore: Kudzanai-Violet Hwami

(1993 - )

Kudzanai-Violet Hwami was born in Zimbabwe and later lived in South Africa before moving to the UK, where she now lives and works. She presented work at the 58th Venice Biennale as part of the Zimbabwe Pavilion in 2019, the youngest artist to participate in the Biennale. That same year she had her first institutional solo exhibition, (15,952km) via Trans – Sahara Hwy N1 at Gasworks, London. Her work has been included in group exhibitions at the Leslie Lohman Museum of Art, New York and Gropius Bau, Berlin (both 2023); Dulwich Picture Gallery, London (2022) and Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2021-22); Hayward Gallery London (2021); Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris (2021); Les Ateliers de Rennes – Biennale d’Art Contemporain, Rennes, France (2018); Zeitz MOCAA, Cape Town, South Africa (2018); Discoloured Margins, and at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe (2017). In 2016, the same year she graduated from Wimbledon College of Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, she was awarded the Clyde & Co. Award and the Young Achiever of the Year Award at the Zimbabwean International Women’s Awards, as well as being shortlisted for Bloomberg New Contemporaries.