Explore: Florence Peake

(1973 - )

Florence Peake was born in London. She gained a dance diploma from Lewisham College in 1994 and went on to an MA in Contemporary Performance Making at Brunel University (2009). She has since had a number of solo exhibitions and performances in Galleries including at Southwark Park Galleries in partnership with the Towner, Eastbourne and Fruitmarket, Edinburgh (2023); at Rich Mix in for an event at the Barbican Centre; Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany (both 2022); National Gallery, London; British Art Show 9 in Aberdeen, Wolverhampton and Manchester; PM/AM, London; Arsenic and Sudpol Theatres, Switzerland; Z20 Gallery, Rome; Somerset House, London (all 2021) and at the Venice Biennale (2019). Her work has also been performed and exhibited in numerous group exhibitions internationally since 2001.