Explore: Ramsay Richard Reinagle

(1775 - 1862)

Ramsay Richard Reinagle was born in London; the son of painter Philip Reinagle. He trained under his father and studied Old Masters and landscape painting in Holland and Italy (1793-98), returning with sketches of Rome, Naples and Florence. In 1801 he married Oriana Bullfinch, governess to his sisters. They had four children, including artist George Philip. He produced 360 degree panoramas for inventor Robert Barker. Reinagle was President of the Society of Painters in Watercolours (1808-12) and a full member of the Royal Academy from 1823. However, in 1835 he was declared bankrupt. Late in his career he sent a marine painting by another artist to the Academy exhibition and was forced to resign his membership. He died in Chelsea aged 87.