Explore: Leo Robinson

(1994 - )

Leo Robinson was born in Newcastle-under-Lyme and today lives and works in Glasgow. He graduated from the Manchester School of Fine Arts in 2016. His first solo exhibition was Theories for Cosmic Joy at Tiwani Contemporary, London, in 2019 and he was included in their group exhibition Polymythologies (2024). His commission, Dream-Bridge-Omniglyph, at the London Mithraeum Bloomberg SPACE in London. Other solo exhibitions include On Exactitude, at Indigo+Madder, London (2023) and The Infinity Card, Chapter, Cardiff (2023). His group exhibitions include To The Edge of Time, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; Antechamber, Quench, Margate, UK; Bathing Nervous Limbs, Arusha Gallery, Edinburgh, UK; tender spots in hard code…, Arebyte, London, UK (all 2021); and Talking Back, Holden Gallery, Manchester (2019).