Explore: Hayley Tompkins

(1971 - )

Hayley Tompkins was born in Leighton Buzzard and currently lives and works in Glasgow. She has a BA in Painting, and an MFA from Glasgow School of Art. Solo exhibitions of her work include shows at Bonner Kunsteverein, Bonn (2018), Lulu, Mexico City (2016), The Drawing Room, Hamburg and The Modern Institute, Glasgow (2015), Aspen Art Museum, Colorado (2013) and Studio Voltaire, London (2011). Recent group exhibitions include participation in Filette at Francesca Pia, Zurich (2018), New Past: Contemporary Art from Britain at the Art Gallery of Uzbekistan, Tashkent (2016), The British Art Show (2015/16), the Venice Biennale (2013) and the 30th São Paulo Biennale (2012).