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South America
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South America: natural features
Falkland Islands
South-america Results
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Santa Cruz, Galápagos
Tania Kovats (1966 - )
Falkland Islands
Matthew Corbin Bishop (1984 - )
The Engagement between HM Frigate “Java” and the USS “Constitution”, 29 December 1812 [Plate 1]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
Engagement of Frigates “Java” & “Constitution” [Plate 2]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
Engagement of Frigates “Java” & “Constitution” [Plate 1]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
Ataraipu, or the Devil’s Rock
Charles Bentley (1806 - 1854)
John Richard Coke Smyth (1808 - 1882)
Vue de Valparaiso, Chili
Barthelemy Lauvergne (1805 - 1875)
Eglise de la Méried, a Payta, Pérou
Barthelemy Lauvergne (1805 - 1875)
Auguste Etienne François Mayer (1805 - 1890)
Adolphe Jean Baptiste Bayot (1810 - 1866)
The Attack of Nova Colonia in the River Plate in 1763, under the command of Captain John Macnamara
William Elliott
The Entrance of Rio Janeiro
George Mounsey Wheatley Atkinson (c1806 - 1884)
Engagement of Frigates “Java” & “Constitution” [Plate 4]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
Georgetown, British Guiana
W S Hedges
Caza à los Guanacos cerca del Volcan d’Antuco
Claudio Gay (1800 - 1873)
Pierre Frederic Lehnert (1811 - )
Brazilian Scene: A Sugar Mill
Frans Jansz Post (1612 - 1680)
Rade de Cobija
Barthelemy Lauvergne (1805 - 1875)
Pierre Louis Philippe Alphonse Bichebois (1801 - 1850)
Andean Landscape
Zoe Hodgson
Roraima, a Remarkable Range of Sandstone Mountains in Guiana
Charles Bentley (1806 - 1854)
George Barnard ( - 1890)
Le Provincie di Cartagena S Marta e Venezuela
D Veremondo Rossi
Christmas Cataract on the River Berbice, Guiana
Charles Bentley (1806 - 1854)
Paul Gauci (1800 - 1855)
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
Bolivian Landscape
Cecilio Guzmán de Rojas (1899 - 1950)
Pirara and Lake Amucu, the Site of El Dorado
Charles Bentley (1806 - 1854)
George Barnard ( - 1890)
Rade de Cobija, Bolivie
Philippe-Victor Touchard (1810 - 1879)
Pierre Louis Philippe Alphonse Bichebois (1801 - 1850)
Jean Victor Adam (1801 - 1867)
The Coast of Guyana from the Oroonoko to the River of Amazons and the Inland Parts
Captain Edward Thompson
L S de la Rochette
William Fadem
Venezuela, New Granada, Equador and the Ghayanas
John Rapkin (1815 - 1876)
Engagement of Frigates “Java” & “Constitution” [Plate 1]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
Couvent de Ste Claire, à Lima
Theodore Auguste Fisquet (1813 - 1890)
Émile Isidore Deroy (1820 - 1846)
Engagement of Frigates “Java” & “Constitution” [Plate 3]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
The Engagement between HM Frigate “Java” and the USS “Constitution”, 29 December 1812 [Plate 2]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
Georgetown, British Guyana
Edward Angelo Goodall (1819 - 1908)
William Parrott (1813 - 1869)
Panoramic View of Buenos Ayres
Major E Kretschmar
Thomas Kearnan
Augustus William Reeve (1807 - )
Richard Gilson Reeve (1803 - 1889)
Brazilian Scene
Frans Jansz Post (1612 - 1680)
Venezuela, New Granada, Equador and the Ghayanas
John Rapkin (1815 - 1876)
The Engagement between HM Frigate “Java” and the USS “Constitution”, 29 December 1812 [Plate 4]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
British Embassy, Rio de Janeiro
Dimitri Ismailovitch (1892 - 1976)
The Engagement between HM Frigate “Java” and the USS “Constitution”, 29 December 1812 [Plate 3]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
Christmas Cataract on the River Berbice
Charles Bentley (1806 - 1854)
Paul Gauci (1800 - 1855)
Vue de Callao, Pérou
Barthelemy Lauvergne (1805 - 1875)
Leon Jean Sabatier ( - 1887)
Adolphe Jean Baptiste Bayot (1810 - 1866)
Les Pinales de Nahuelbuta, Nacimiento
Claudio Gay (1800 - 1873)
Pierre Frederic Lehnert (1811 - )
Engagement of Frigates “Java” & “Constitution” [Plate 4]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
Map of Bay and Port to East of Falkland Islands / Plan de la Baie et du Port Situé à l’Est des Iles Malouines
Antoine-Joseph ("Dom Pernety") Pernety (1716 - 1796)
Brazilian Fort St. Gabriel on the Rio Negro
Charles Bentley (1806 - 1854)
George Barnard ( - 1890)
Marché de Payta, Pérou
Barthelemy Lauvergne (1805 - 1875)
Adolphe Jean Baptiste Bayot (1810 - 1866)
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
Bolivian Landscape
Cecilio Guzmán de Rojas (1899 - 1950)
Map of British Guyana
Henry Winkles
John Rapkin (1815 - 1876)
Mountains in Ecuador I
Rachel Budd (1960 - )
Engagement of Frigates “Java” & “Constitution” [Plate 2]
Lieutenant Buchanan
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
Vue du Port de Guyaquil, Pérou
Barthelemy Lauvergne (1805 - 1875)
Leon Jean Sabatier ( - 1887)
Adolphe Jean Baptiste Bayot (1810 - 1866)
Iles et Bancs de Glace, Cap Horn
Barthelemy Lauvergne (1805 - 1875)
Leon Jean Sabatier ( - 1887)
Panoramic View of Montevideo
Juan Manuel Besnes e Irigoyen (1788 - 1865)
Mountains in Ecuador II
Rachel Budd (1960 - )
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