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Calligraphy-illumination Results
Description de la Tartarie
Nicolas Sanson (1600 - 1667)
Jean, ("Pruthenus") Somer
An Accurate Map of the East Riding of Yorkshire
Emanuel Bowen (1693/4 - 1767)
Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima
John Ogilby (1600 - 1676)
Willem Janszoon Blaeu
Miniature (Seated Couple)
Indian or Pakistani unknown
Map of France
Frederick de Wit (1630 - 1706)
How To Get Riches
George Bickham (1683/4 - 1758)
Inscriptions in Prison Room Beauchamp Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
Map of Walachia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria
Gerard Mercator (1512 - 1594)
Inscriptions in Prison Room of Beauchamp Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
An Accurate Map of the West Riding of Yorkshire
Emanuel Bowen (1693/4 - 1767)
Map of the County of Middlesex
Richard William Seale
Inscriptions in Prison Room Beauchamp Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
Inscriptions in Prison Room, Beauchamp Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
Gerard Mercator (1512 - 1594)
Beauchamp Tower from Tower Hill [with inscriptions]
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
Poem/Inscription (in Roman Lettering)
Timothy Emlyn Jones (1948 - )
Map of Northumberland
Robert Morden
Inscription with Celtic and Roman Lettering
Timothy Emlyn Jones (1948 - )
Illuminated Certificate for George Macartney, 1st Earl Macartney
British 18th century unknown
Inscription with Celtic and Roman Lettering
Timothy Emlyn Jones (1948 - )
An Accurate Map of the County of Kent
Emanuel Bowen (1693/4 - 1767)
Map of Romania, 1584
Abraham Ortelius (1527 - 1598)
Map of Westmorland
Robert Morden
Map of the Bishoprick of Durham
Robert Morden
Letters Patent of 1674 [whereby King Charles II grants a pension of £3,000 each per annum to his three sons by the Duchess of Cleveland, payable from Excise duties]
British 17th century unknown
Map of England
Robert Morden
An Accurate Map of Cambridgeshire
Emanuel Bowen (1693/4 - 1767)
Inscription in Prison Room, Beauchamp Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
Inscriptions in the Prison Room of the White Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
Tower Street Ward with their Divisions into Parishes according to a New Survey
British 18th century unknown
Timothy Emlyn Jones (1948 - )
Fezzae et Marocchi Regna: Africae Celeberrima
Abraham Ortelius (1527 - 1598)
Inscriptions in Prison Room Beauchamp Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
Inscriptions in Prison Room of Beauchamp Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
An Accurate Map of the County Palatine of Durham
Thomas Kitchin
Miniature (Standing Couple)
Indian or Pakistani unknown
Fessae et Marocchi Regna
Jodocus, the elder Hondius (1563 - 1612)
An Improved Map of the County of Somerset
Emanuel Bowen (1693/4 - 1767)
Map of the County of Buckinghamshire
Johannes Kip (1653 - 1722)
William Hole ( - 1624)
Inscriptions in Prison Room Beauchamp Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
In the Upper Prison Room, Beauchamp Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
In Notiitiam Ecclesiasticam Africae Tabula Geographica
Covens and Mortier
Fezzae et Marocchi Regna Africae Celeberrima
Abraham Ortelius (1527 - 1598)
An Accurate Map of the County of Lancashire
Emanuel Bowen (1693/4 - 1767)
Presbiteri Johannis, sive, Abissionorum Imperii Descriptio
Abraham Ortelius (1527 - 1598)
Inscription in Salt Tower
Frederick Nash (1782 - 1856)
Presbiteri Iohannis sive Abissinorum Imperii Descriptio [map of Abyssinia]
Abraham Ortelius (1527 - 1598)
Familiarisation and Nostalgia (A Canberra Posting)
Katie Clemson (1951 - 2007)
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