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Portrait of Ignatius Sancho
Joy Labinjo (1994 - )
Sir John Hill (1714-1775) physician, actor, writer and botanist
Francis Cotes (1726 - 1770)
Giovanni Vendramini (1769 - 1839)
Odd Fellows from Downing Street Complaining to John Bull
George Moutard Woodward (1760 - 1809)
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Richard Hamilton (1922 - 2011)
Time Surgeon Performers’ Mask
Nathaniel Mellors (1974 - )
William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 2nd Earl Fitzwilliam (1748-1833)
William Owen (1769 - 1825)
19th century unknown
The Rt. Hon. Arthur Cohen (1829-1914)
John Singer Sargent (1856 - 1925)
Sir Frank Short (1857 - 1945)
Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868) Lord Chancellor
James Lonsdale (1777 - 1839)
Lucian Freud painting the Queen
David Dawson (1960 - )
Boss Tweed
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) historian
Henry Walton (1746 - 1813)
Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum (1850-1916)
Sir William Nicholson (1872 - 1949)
John Fisher (1459-1535) Bishop of Rochester
Hans Holbein (1497/8 - 1543)
Jacobus Houbraken (1698 - 1780)
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) Field Marshal & Prime Minister
British 19th century unknown
Cuthbert Tunstal (1474-1559) judge, diplomat and clergyman
Pierre Fourdrinier ( - 1758)
An Italian Opera Singer at the Opera House at Rome
George, the younger Dance (1741 - 1825)
A Cornish Sailor
Christopher Wood (1901 - 1930)
Edward Samuel Harper: Self Portrait
Edward Samuel Harper (1854 - 1941)
Henry Pelham (1694-1754) Prime Minister
John Shackleton ( - 1767)
William Hoare (c.1707 - 1792)
John Carmichael, 3rd Earl of Hyndford (1701-1767), Ambassador to Vienna 1752-64
Jonathan, Snr Richardson (1665 - 1745)
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965)
Walter Stoneman (1876 - 1958)
Sir William Sidney Smith (1764-1840) Admiral, at Acre
John Eckstein
Antoine Cardon (1772 - 1813)
Dr. Nathaniel Spens (1728-1815)
Sir Henry Raeburn (1756 - 1823)
Henry Macbeth-Raeburn (1860 - 1947)
George Edmund Street (1824-1881) architect and architectural theorist
Henry Hugh Armstead (1828 - 1905)
Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquess of Normanby (1797-1863)
Henry Perronet Briggs (1791/93 - 1844)
Charles Turner (1774 - 1857)
William Pitt (1759-1806) Prime Minister
Joseph Nollekens (1737 - 1823)
William Sargent (1786-1863) Treasury official
British 19th century unknown
Shakespeare Sonnet 11
Sir Sidney Nolan (1917 - 1992)
Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald (1775-1860) Admiral
Peter Eduard (after) Stroehling (1768 - 1826)
Archibald Eliot Haswell-Miller (1887 - 1979)
Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl of Godolphin (1645-1712) politician
Sir Godfrey, (after) Kneller
Sir Woodbine Parish (1796-1882) Chargé d’Affaires, Buenos Aires 1825-32
Thomas, (After) Phillips
Alfred Edmund Dyer
Christopher Bainbridge (1462/3-1514) diplomat, judge, archbishop and cardinal
British 16th century unknown
Sir John Moore (1761-1809) Lieutenant-General & Victor of Corunna
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769 - 1830)
Charles Turner (1774 - 1857)
Nathaniel Lindley, Baron Lindley (1828-1921) judge; Master of the Rolls
William Strang (1859 - 1921)
King George IV (1762-1830) as Prince of Wales, & his Brother Frederick, Duke of York and Albany and Bishop of Osnaburgh (1763-1827)
Benjamin West (1738 - 1820)
Valentine Green (1739 - 1813)
Henry Thurstan Holland, 1st Viscount Knutsford (1825-1914) politician
Henry Tanworth Wells (1828 - 1903)
Brown Joseph
The Aberdeen Cabinet, Deciding upon the Expedition to the Crimea
Sir John Gilbert (1817 - 1897)
William, III Walker (1791 - 1867)
Richard Grosvenor, 1st Earl Grosvenor (1731-1802) politician and landowner
Benjamin West (1738 - 1820)
William Dickinson (1746 - 1823)
Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl Godolphin (1645-1712)
Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646 - 1723)
Jacobus Houbraken (1698 - 1780)
Trooper Juneau (Canadian Forces)
Henry Lamb (1883 - 1960)
Sir George Sowley Holroyd (1758-1831) Judge
Samuel William Reynolds (1773 - 1835)
Henry Austin Bruce, 1st Baron Aberdare (1815-1895) Home Secretary 1869-1873
Henry Tanworth (after) Wells (1828 - 1903)
Sir James Robert George Graham, 2nd Baronet (1792-1861)
Émile Desmaisons (1812 - 1880)
Sir (John) William Watson (1858-1935) poet and literary critic (identity uncertain)
Marian Roalfe Cox (1860 - 1916)
No.2, Plate 1: W. Long, Huntsman to the Badminton Hounds
Richard Barrett Davis (1782 - 1854)
John West Giles
King George III (1738-1820, Reigned 1760-1820) on his Favourite Charger Adonis
Sir William Beechey (1753 - 1839)
William Hopkins
James Ward (1769 - 1859)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Patrick Procktor (1936 - 2003)
William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898) Prime Minister
William Goldsmith
Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-1881) Prime Minister
Sir John Everett, (after) Millais
Sir Samuel Romilly (1757-1818) Solicitor General
William Owen (1769 - 1825)
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