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wars & conflicts
land battle
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Battle of Gujrat
Siege of Kars
Battle of the Tchernaya
Siege of Lisle
Siege of Doway
Battle of Agincourt
Siege/Relief of Lucknow
Siege of Acre, 1799
Battle of Quebec
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Alexandria
Battle of Valenciennes
Battle of Ferozeshah
Battle of Chillianwala
Battle of Bayonne
Battle of the Pyrenees
Unnamed land battle
Battle of Princeton
Battle of the Boyne
Battle of Blenheim
Battle of Inkermann
Battle of Waterloo
Siege of Bouchain
Charge of the Light Brigade
Land-battle Results
The Battel between the Spaniards and the Pyrats or Buccaniers before the Citty of Panama
Johannes Kip (1653 - 1722)
How Sallies are Defended and Repulsed
British 18th century unknown
Azincourt I
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
Battle Scene
Joshua, Jnr Ross
The Battle of Goojerat, on the 21st February 1849
Henry Martens ( - 1854)
John, III Harris (1811 - 1865)
Landscape with Cavalry Skirmish in a Wood
Pieter Snayers ( - 1666)
Azincourt III
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
Battle Scene from the Wars of the Ottoman Empire in Europe
Jan van Huchtenburg (1647 - 1733)
Azincourt I
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
Azincourt IIII
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
The Battle of Bunker’s Hill, near Boston, June 17th 1775
John Trumbull (1756 - 1843)
W Ketler
Battle Scene
Joshua, Jnr Ross
The Siege of Doway, April 25 1710
Antoine Benoist (1721 - 1770)
Claude Dubosc (1682 - 1745)
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) Field Marshal & Prime Minister
Priscilla Anne (née Wellesley-Pole), Countess of Westmorland Fane (1793 - 1879)
Thomas Hodgetts
Azincourt VIII
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
Azincourt V
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
The Battle of Waterloo [Key to GAC1540]
Alexander Sauerweid (1783 - 1844)
The Battle of Blenheim
Louis Laguerre (1663 - 1721)
Claude Dubosc (1682 - 1745)
Louis du Guernier (1677 - 1716)
William III at the Battle of the Boyne
Jan Wyck (1640 - 1702)
The Siege of Lisle in 1708
Antoine Benoist (1721 - 1770)
Claude Dubosc (1682 - 1745)
The Field of Waterloo / Le Champ de Bataille de Waterloo
John Heaviside Clark (c.1771 - 1863)
Matthew Dubourg
Charles, 1st Marquess Cornwallis (1738-1805) General
Daniel Gardner (c.1750 - 1805)
John Jones (c.1755 - 1796)
The Grand Quintuple Alliance of England, Russia, France, Austria & Prussia
William, ("Paul Pry") Heath (1795 - 1840)
William Thomas Fry (1789 - 1843)
Richard Gilson Reeve (1803 - 1889)
Azincourt VI
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
“Henry V”: Battle of Agincourt
Jill Mustchin (1939 - )
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) Field-Marshal & Prime Minister
James Lonsdale (1777 - 1839)
John Dalrymple, 2nd Earl of Stair (1673-1747) Field Marshal and diplomat
Sir Godfrey, (school) Kneller
Battle of the Pyrenees, 28 July 1813
William, ("Paul Pry") Heath (1795 - 1840)
Thomas Sutherland (1785 - 1838)
Azincourt VIII
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
Azincourt V
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
Battle Scene
17th - 18th century unknown
The Fortress and Field Defences of Kars, 1855
British 19th century unknown
Battle Scene
Aniello Falcone (1600 - 1656)
The Waterloo Heroes Assembled at Apsley House, 18 June 1845
John Prescott Knight (1803 - 1881)
Charles George Lewis (1808 - 1880)
The Defence of Kars
William Simpson (1823 - 1899)
The Defence of Kars
William Simpson (1823 - 1899)
The Battle of Waterloo
George Jones (1786 - 1869)
The Waterloo Heroes Assembled at Apsley House
John Prescott Knight (1803 - 1881)
Charles George Lewis (1808 - 1880)
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