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Theatrical Properties
Eric Ravilious (1903 - 1942)
The Pump Room at Thetford
William Read
The Queen Returning from the House of Lords
Matthew Dubourg
The Railway Station
William Powell Frith (1819 - 1909)
Francis Holl (1815 - 1884)
Wakefield Cathedral, Yorkshire
Rev. Thomas Kilby (1794 - 1868)
W Bevan
4: The Warren Wall
Henry Thomas Alken (1785 - 1851)
John, III Harris (1811 - 1865)
The Aberdeen Cabinet, Deciding upon the Expedition to the Crimea
Sir John Gilbert (1817 - 1897)
William, III Walker (1791 - 1867)
Richard Burdon Haldane, Viscount Haldane (1856-1928) Lord Chancellor
Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope (1857 - 1940)
No.11: Blessings of Britain – or – Swarm of Tax-Gatherers. “All with United Force Combine to Drive the Lazy Drones from the Laborious Hive” (Virgil)
Charles Williams
Entry to the Strand from Charing Cross
Thomas Shotter Boys (1803 - 1874)
Surrey Institution
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
Joseph Constantine Stadler (1755 - 1828)
Robert George Windsor-Clive, 1st Earl of Plymouth (1857-1923): “Good Works”
Sir Leslie Matthew ("Spy") Ward (1851 - 1922)
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
(John) Selwyn Brooke Lloyd, Baron Selwyn-Lloyd (1904-1978): “Hey Presto! Oops….”
Stanley Franklin (1930 - 2004)
Joseph Nash (1808 - 1878)
Temple Bar, from the Strand
Thomas Shotter Boys (1803 - 1874)
Landscape near Whitchurch
Ramsay Richard Reinagle (1775 - 1862)
Bachelor’s Hall Plate 4
Francis Calcraft Turner ( - 1846)
The Mint
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
John Bluck
Scarborough from the Castle Gate
John Bell (1811 - 1895)
Day and Haghe
Agricultural Implements
Louis Haghe (1806 - 1885)
Plate 6
Chris Orr (1943 - )
St. Peter’s Church, Brighton
George Bryant Campion (1796 - 1870)
Charles, I Hunt (1803 - 1877)
The Night Team
Charles Cooper Henderson (1803 - 1877)
Henry A Papprill (1816 - 1903)
State Procession of HM The Queen (11): Royal Grooms
Feliks Topolski (1907 - 1989)
Sixth-Form Bench, Eton
Percival Skelton
Sir Eduardo Paolozzi (1924 - 2005)
The “Age” Brighton Coach in 1852
William Joseph Shayer (1811 - 1892)
Charles, I Hunt (1803 - 1877)
King George IV (1762-1830) Reigned 1820-30
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769 - 1830)
William Finden (1787 - 1852)
Edward VII (1841-1910) Reigned 1901-10 as Prince of Wales
Sir William Nicholson (1872 - 1949)
Corn Exchange, Mark Lane
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
John Bluck
Leamington Grand Steeple Chase, 1837, Third Fence [Plate 2]
Francis Calcraft Turner ( - 1846)
Charles, I Hunt (1803 - 1877)
The Long Room, Custom House
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
Joseph Constantine Stadler (1755 - 1828)
The Private View [after Georgie Bowers]
Walter Richard Sickert (1860 - 1942)
John, (19th century) Sturgess (1840 - 1908)
Derby Day
William Powell Frith (1819 - 1909)
Auguste Thomas Marie Blanchard (1819 - 1898)
Clarence Terrace, Regent’s Park
Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1791 - 1864)
Thomas Barber (c.1768 - 1843)
Coronation Impressions
Philippe Jullian (1921 - 1977)
Great Exhibition 1851: Austria, Sculpture
Joseph Nash (1808 - 1878)
Alfred Montgomery (1814-1896) Commissioner of the Inland Revenue: “Alfred”
Sir Leslie Matthew ("Spy") Ward (1851 - 1922)
Joseph Nash (1808 - 1878)
Death of Nelson: Scene on the Deck of HMS “Victory”
Samuel Drummond (1765 - 1844)
For instance, now, there’s the King’s Messenger. He’s in prison now, being punished! and the trial doesn’t even begin till Wednesday: and of course the crime comes last of all.
Peter Blake (1932 - )
“The Age” Brighton Coach at the “Bull & Mouth”, Regent Circus, Piccadilly
E F Lambert
Charles, I Hunt (1803 - 1877)
2: Wattle Fence with a Deep Drop
Henry Thomas Alken (1785 - 1851)
John, III Harris (1811 - 1865)
The Tichborne Claimant’s Trial
Godefroy (after) Durand (1832 - 1896)
Bachelor’s Hall Plate 1
Francis Calcraft Turner ( - 1846)
Temple Bar, from the Strand
Thomas Shotter Boys (1803 - 1874)
Exhibition of Water Coloured Drawings, Old Bond Street
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
Joseph Constantine Stadler (1755 - 1828)
New Government Mews, Princes’ Street, Story’s Gate, Westminster
Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1791 - 1864)
J Henshall
Bachelor’s Hall Plate 2
Francis Calcraft Turner ( - 1846)
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Representation of the People Project 2018-28
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I Am Me – Exhibition at Cartwright Hall Art Gallery in Bradford
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