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Perseus Delivering Andromeda
Charles Joseph Dominique Eisen (1720 - 1778)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Thisbe: “An envious wall the Babylonian maid from Pyramus, her gentle lover, stayed. etc.” – Ovid
Edwin Longsden Long (1829 - 1891)
Gustave Nicolas Bertinot (1822 - 1888)
Hercules Overcomes Antæus who Opposes his Passage into Africa
Charles Joseph Dominique Eisen (1720 - 1778)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
The Nymph Echo, Chang’d into a Sound
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Leucothoe, Charmed with the Beauty of Apollo, yields without Resistance
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Narcissus Seeing his Reflection in a Fountain becomes Enamoured of Himself
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Apollo, having overcome Marsyas in a Challenge, orders him to be Flead Alive
Jean-Michel Moreau (1741 - 1814)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Perdix, the Nephew of Dædalus, Transformed into a Partridge
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Cadmus and Hermione Metamorphosed into Serpents
Charles Joseph Dominique Eisen (1720 - 1778)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
The Transformation of Picus into a Woodpecker
Charles Joseph Dominique Eisen (1720 - 1778)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Procris Killed by an Arrow, which Cephalus darted through the Thicket
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Thisbe takes the Sword already Reeking with the Blood of Pyramus, plunges it into her own Breast
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Meleager Presents to Atalanta the Head of the Callydonian Boar
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Myrrha, retired into the Country of the Sabeans, is deliver’d of Adonis, and afterwards Metamorphosed into a Tree
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Cerberus, Chained by Hercules, infects the Earth with his Foam
Charles Joseph Dominique Eisen (1720 - 1778)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
The Transformation of Arachne into a Spider
Charles Joseph Dominique Eisen (1720 - 1778)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
The Transformation of Galanthis into a Weasel
Jean-Michel Moreau (1741 - 1814)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
About the Collection
What is the Government Art Collection?
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Advisory Committee
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Art & Stories
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Stories from the Collection
Curious highlights
Representation of the People Project 2018-28
What’s happening
I Am Me – Exhibition at Cartwright Hall Art Gallery in Bradford
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