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In Mist, or Cloud, on Mast or Shroud
David Jones (1895 - 1974)
Le Poulpe [The Octopus]
Graham Sutherland (1903 - 1980)
Poem (Colophon Page)
Ronald King (1932 - )
Bub and Sis
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Saul Fanfani (1856 - 1919)
Song of Songs: I am the Rose of Sharon
Edward Wolfe (1897 - 1982)
composition (1934)
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
the target
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
Song of Songs: I am black but comely
Edward Wolfe (1897 - 1982)
It an Ancient Mariner
David Jones (1895 - 1974)
George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th Baron Byron (1788-1824) poet
Thomas Phillips (1770 - 1845)
Thomas Goff Lupton (1791 - 1873)
Graham Sutherland (1903 - 1980)
The Shearing of Samson
Robert Medley (1905 - 1994)
And Death Shall Have No Dominion [3(a)]
Ceri Richards (1903 - 1971)
The Fall of Gaza
Robert Medley (1905 - 1994)
Song of Songs: Many waters cannot quench love
Edward Wolfe (1897 - 1982)
Shakespeare’s XV Sonnet
Joe Tilson (1928 - 2023)
Methera (Four)
Ronald King (1932 - )
Compostela é unha rúa longa…
Alfonso Costa (1943 - )
Salvador Garcia-Bodaño
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
The Ship It Was a Plankless Thing
David Jones (1895 - 1974)
Palemon and Lavinia in a Landscape
John Howes
To the Moon – Shelley
Michael Rothenstein (1908 - 1993)
Allegorical Tomb of Joseph Addison (1642-1719) essayist and poet
Donato Creti (1671 - 1749)
Carlo Besoli (1707 - 1754)
Nunzio Ferraiuoli (1660 - 1735)
The Hero
Robert Medley (1905 - 1994)
Sethera (Six)
Ronald King (1932 - )
Le Soleil – Baudelaire
Michael Rothenstein (1908 - 1993)
The Cat and the Moon – W B Yeats
Michael Rothenstein (1908 - 1993)
The heathen Idol
Robert Medley (1905 - 1994)
The Author’s Prologue (A Fragment) [1]
Ceri Richards (1903 - 1971)
Orphée 2 [Orpheus]
Graham Sutherland (1903 - 1980)
La Mouche [The Fly]
Graham Sutherland (1903 - 1980)
Dante’s “Inferno”: 3 Study Portraits of Dante
Syed Saleem Arif Quadri (1949 - )
Le Boeuf [The Bull]
Graham Sutherland (1903 - 1980)
La Puce [The Flea]
Graham Sutherland (1903 - 1980)
O’Dream of Joy
David Jones (1895 - 1974)
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) Novelist and Poet
Sir Francis (studio) Chantrey (1781 - 1841)
Song of Songs: Thy Navel is like a round goblet
Edward Wolfe (1897 - 1982)
Máis alá dos lindeiros..
Alfonso Costa (1943 - )
Salvador Garcia-Bodaño
The Congo and other Poems
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Tethera (Three)
Ronald King (1932 - )
Song of Songs: Rise up, my love, my fair one
Edward Wolfe (1897 - 1982)
And Death Shall Have No Dominion [3(b)]
Ceri Richards (1903 - 1971)
Embattled Armies
Robert Medley (1905 - 1994)
the auld houff
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
Lethera (Seven)
Ronald King (1932 - )
L’Adieu Suprême des Mouchoirs
Derek Hirst (1930 - 2006)
A Show of Mimes and Jugglers
Robert Medley (1905 - 1994)
Song of Songs: There are threescore Queens
Edward Wolfe (1897 - 1982)
O Ecoar da Berenguela..
Alfonso Costa (1943 - )
Salvador Garcia-Bodaño
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Representation of the People Project 2018-28
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I Am Me – Exhibition at Cartwright Hall Art Gallery in Bradford
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