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Reading-writing-materials Results
Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales (1796-1817)
George, (after) Dawe (1781 - 1829)
An Unwelcome Visit
George Moutard Woodward (1760 - 1809)
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
The Columbian Press
Olwen Jones (1945 - )
Scotland Yard with Part of the Banqueting House
Paul Sandby (1731 - 1809)
Edward Rooker (1712 - 1774)
The Defence of Terrorism
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Henry Pelham (1694-1754) Prime Minister
William Hoare (c.1707 - 1792)
The Wording of Police Charges
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Henry Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston (1784-1865) Prime Minister
Sir Francis Grant (1803 - 1878)
Scotland Yard with Part of the Banqueting House
Paul Sandby (1731 - 1809)
Edward Rooker (1712 - 1774)
Henry Pelham (1694-1754) and his secretary John Roberts
John Shackleton ( - 1767)
Sir John Patteson (1790-1861) judge
Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793 - 1872)
Samuel Cousins (1801 - 1887)
The Discussion
Geoffrey Tibble (1909 - 1952)
The Bench / Of the Different Meaning of the Words Character, Caracatura and Outré in Painting and Drawing
William Hogarth (1697 - 1764)
Philips de Sadeleer (born 1560/1), merchant
Dutch 16th century unknown
The Private View [after Georgie Bowers]
Walter Richard Sickert (1860 - 1942)
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) painter and 1st President of Royal Academy
Sir Joshua, (after) Reynolds
James Northcote (1746 - 1831)
Sir James Burrow (1701-1782) law reporter
Jonathan, Snr Richardson (1665 - 1745)
Portrait of a Gentleman
Andrea Soldi (c.1703 - 1771)
Photo-Eye (El Lissitzky)
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Sir David Eccles and Mr Eric Bedford on the Coronation Stands outside Buckingham Palace
John Ward (1917 - 2007)
Henry Pelham (1694-1754) Prime Minister
William Hoare (c.1707 - 1792)
I sensed that Brenda was trying to impress me….
Glen Baxter (1944 - )
Charles Arthur Russell, 1st Baron Russell of Killowen (1832-1900) Lord Chief Justice of England
James Doyle Penrose (1862 - 1932)
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) writer and traveller
Carlo Francesco Rusca (1696 - 1769)
Hollywood, wie es wirklich ist
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Jews at Haskoy
Amadeo Preziosi (1816 - 1882)
Frontispiece to “Memoirs of an Infantry Officer” by Siegfried Sassoon
Barnett Freedman (1901 - 1958)
The Triple Plea
John Collet (c.1727 - 1780)
William Henry Cavendish Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738-1809) Prime Minister
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723 - 1792)
John, I Murphy (c1748 - )
Sir John Chardin (1643-1713) traveller and merchant; envoy to Holland 1683
John Michael Wright (1617 - 1694)
Infantry Brigade Signal Office, Flanders HQ
Francis Patrick Martin (1883 - 1966)
The Tower
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Foot of the Duke of York’s Steps, Noon 2 June 1953
Dame Laura Knight (1877 - 1970)
Blue Jar
Mary Potter (1900 - 1981)
The Tichborne Claimant’s Trial
Godefroy (after) Durand (1832 - 1896)
Sir Walter Ralegh (1554-1618) courtier, explorer, and author
Jacobus Houbraken (1698 - 1780)
Final – City of Burbank, California, Annual Budget 1968-69
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
A Tenant At Will
Charles Jameson (after) Grant
Royal Institution, Albemarle Street
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
Joseph Constantine Stadler (1755 - 1828)
A Studious Sailor
Roger K Furse (1903 - 1972)
John Somers, Baron Somers (1651-1716) lawyer and politician
Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646 - 1723)
George Vertue (1684 - 1756)
Peter Burrell, 1st Baron Gwydir (1754-1820) politician
Henry Eldridge (1769 - 1821)
Thomas Medland
William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham (1708-1778) Prime Minister
William Hoare (c.1707 - 1792)
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell of St Andrews (1799-1861) Lord Chancellor
Sir Francis Grant (1803 - 1878)
Thomas Lewis Atkinson (1817 - 1889/90)
Fishing: Portrait of the Artist by a River
Henry Leonidas Rolfe (1823 - 1881)
Peter Burrell, 1st Baron Gwydir (1754-1820)
Henry Eldridge (1769 - 1821)
Thomas Medland
Portrait of a Diplomat
Jane Hawkins (1841 - 1904)
The Room
Tim Mara (1948 - 1997)
Still Life
Alfred Stockham (1933 - )
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