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Second-hand Furniture and Effects
Eric Ravilious (1903 - 1942)
The Ministers, Ming Tombs, Peking
Sir Stanley Spencer (1891 - 1959)
Spencer House
Thomas, jnr Malton (1748 - 1804)
East End of South Aisle
Frederick Mackenzie (1787 - 1854)
John Bluck
Richard Beer (1928 - 2017)
Spencer House
Thomas, jnr Malton (1748 - 1804)
Edwin La Dell (1914 - 1970)
Entry to the Strand from Charing Cross
Thomas Shotter Boys (1803 - 1874)
Place des Victoires
Adrian Daintrey (1902 - 1988)
Honoré de Balzac
Francis Wishart (1951 - )
October: View of the Square of Kassan and the Cathedral at St. Petersburg / Vue de la Place de Casan et de la Cathédrale de St. Petersbourg
John Clark
Matthew Dubourg
Elevation of the Front of Somerset Place, towards the Strand
John Pass
Francis Wishart (1951 - )
Royal Exchange and the Bank of England
Edmund Walker (1813/14 - 1882)
Day and Son
The Lion of England
Molly Guion (1910 - 1982)
Trafalgar Square (Coronation)
Ebbe Sadolin (1900 - 1982)
The Great Court of Greenwich Hospital
Thomas, jnr Malton (1748 - 1804)
Heralds College, The Hall
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
John Bluck
The Queen’s Beasts
Molly Guion (1910 - 1982)
View of Florentine Bath and Town Hall (Plate 23)
Giuseppe Zocchi (1711 - 1767)
Carlo Gregori (1702 - 1759)
Folkington, the Seat of the Hon Sir William Thomas Baronet, in the County of Sussex
Leonard Knyff (1650 - 1722)
Johannes Kip (1653 - 1722)
Francis Wishart (1951 - )
The Palace of Whitehall: The Park Side
John Webb (1611 - 1672)
Inigo Jones (1573 - 1652)
D M Muller
A North View of Blenheim House & Park, in the County of Oxford / Veüe Septenrionalle de la Maison et du Parc de Blenheim, dans le Conté d’Oxford
John Boydell (1719 - 1804)
Green Drawing Room
Joseph Nash (1808 - 1878)
Plate 6
Chris Orr (1943 - )
Interior of St. Peter’s, Rome
David Roberts (1796 - 1864)
In Loyal Support
Sir John Verney (1913 - 1993)
Carew Hervey Mildmay (1690-1784) MP for Harwich
Herman van der Myn (1684 - 1741)
North West View of St. Paul’s
Thomas, jnr Malton (1748 - 1804)
Sleeping Statue, London
Howard Jeffs (1944 - )
Coronation Procession Returning to Buckingham Palace
Carel Weight (1908 - 1997)
The Brass Statue of King Charles I at Charring Cross
Sutton Nicholls
Trafalgar Square, with the National Gallery, and St. Martin’s Church
Edmund Walker (1813/14 - 1882)
Thomas Picken (1815 - 1870)
Scene in Front of the Cathedral, Perugia
Carel Weight (1908 - 1997)
Coronation Preparations, Parliament Square
Douglas Raymond Holloway (1923 - )
Offering to Jupiter
Michele Rocca (1675 - 1751)
Troops Playing with Children, Borghese Gardens, Rome
Carel Weight (1908 - 1997)
The Great Staircase, Stafford House [now Lancaster House]
David Roberts (1796 - 1864)
A North View of Blenheim House and Park in the County of Oxford / View Septrionalle de la Maison et du Parc de Blenheim, dans le Conté d’Oxford
John Boydell (1719 - 1804)
Prospekt Lietiiago eia Imperatorskago Velichestva domu s’Sieveriuiu storonu. Vue du Palais d’Eté de Sa Majesté Imperiale du coté du Nord.
Mikhail Ivanovitch Makhaev (1716 - 1770)
Giuseppe Valeriani (1690 - 1761)
Ivan Sokolov (1717 - 1757)
Aleksei Angileevic Grekov (1723/6 - after 1769)
Allan Kardec
Francis Wishart (1951 - )
Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Reigned 1837-1901
Franz Xaver, (After) Winterhalter
William Corden (1797 - 1867)
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
San Marco I
Richard Beer (1928 - 2017)
Sir David Eccles and Mr Eric Bedford on the Coronation Stands outside Buckingham Palace
John Ward (1917 - 2007)
View of Temple Bar
Edward Dayes (1763 - 1804)
John Neagle ( - 1822)
Piccadilly Circus
Anthony Cooke (1933 - )
Baroque Church
Richard Beer (1928 - 2017)
St John’s College
Walter Hoyle (1922 - 2000)
Trafalgar Square
Evelyn Abelson (1886 - 1967)
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Representation of the People Project 2018-28
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I Am Me – Exhibition at Cartwright Hall Art Gallery in Bradford
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