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boats & ships
sailing vessel
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Tower of London
William Henry Bartlett (1809 - 1854)
James Tibbitts Willmore (1800 - 1863)
The Town and Harbour of Zante [Zakinthos]
Joseph Cartwright (1789 - 1829)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Robert, Jnr Havell (1793 - 1878)
Shipping Boats in the Breeze off the Norfolk Coast
John Berney Crome (1794 - 1842)
The Tower
Joseph Farington (1747 - 1821)
Joseph Constantine Stadler (1755 - 1828)
Arrival of the Queen in London from Her Commonwealth Tour
Josselin Bodley (1893 - 1974)
From the beach at Exmouth, Devonshire
Hubert Cornish (c1770 - 1832)
June: View of the Neva, the Harbour and the Exchange at St. Petersburg / Vue de la Néva, du Port, et de la Bourse de St. Petersburg
John Clark
Matthew Dubourg
St. Paul Wrecked at Sea
Bonaventura Peeters (1614 - 1652)
Napoleon Bonaparte as he Presented himself at the Gangway of His Majesty’s Ship Bellerophon, in Plymouth Sound, in the month of August 1815
Charles Lock Eastlake (1793 - 1865)
Charles Turner (1774 - 1857)
View of Harwich
British 19th century unknown
Castrum Royale Londinense vulgo The Tower
Wenceslaus Hollar (1607 - 1677)
VI: Some English Ships attack the Spanish Fleet to the Westward. The Spaniards draw themselves into a Roundel: And afterwards keeping on their Course, are followed by the English
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
Gibraltar, 1944
Roland Vivian Pitchforth (1895 - 1982)
Distant View of the Needles and Hurst Castle
William Daniell (1769 - 1837)
View of Greenwich, and Down the River
Joseph Farington (1747 - 1821)
Joseph Constantine Stadler (1755 - 1828)
The Spianada, Corfu
Joseph Schranz (1803 - 1862/6)
View of the Teign, Devon
Dominic Michael Serres (c.1763 - 1816)
Robert Griffier (1688 - c.1760)
John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent (1735-1823) Admiral
Gilbert Charles Stuart (1755 - 1828)
John Raphael Smith (1752 - 1812)
St. Michaels Mount, Cornwall
William Daniell (1769 - 1837)
South East View of Land-Guard Fort in Suffolk
Thomas Gainsborough (1727 - 1788)
Thomas Major (1720 - 1799)
The Capture of Martinique (mountain & town behind)
Thomas Luny (1759 - 1837)
Tower Bridge I
Oskar Kokoschka (1886 - 1980)
Arrival at Brandenburgh House of the Watermen etc. with an Address to the Queen on the 3rd. October 1820
Matthew Dubourg
View of the Bay of Naples
William Marlow (1740 - 1813)
View of Dover Castle
George Lambert (c.1700 - 1765)
Queensferry & Port Edgar on the Forth
British 19th century unknown
The Victoria Battery, Gibraltar
J M Carter
Thomas Coleman Dibdin (1810 - 1893)
The Royal Navy: Portsmouth Harbour: The “Victory” Saluting Her Majesty
Thomas Sewell Robins (1810 - 1880)
John, III Harris (1811 - 1865)
Sir Thomas Graves (c.1747-1814) Admiral
James Northcote (1746 - 1831)
Nouvelle-Hollande: Nouvelle Galles du Sud. Vue de la partie méridionale de la Ville de Sydney Capitale des Colonies Anglaises aux Terres Australes, et de l’Embouchure de la rivière de Parramatta (1803)
Charles Alexandre Lesueur (1778 - 1846)
Victor Pillement (1767 - 1814)
The Landing of the British Troops in Egypt on the 8th of March 1801 / La Descente des Troupes Anglaises en Egypte le 8me de Mars 1801
Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740 - 1812)
Luigi Schiavonetti (1765 - 1810)
Two English Ships and a Dutch Ship
Aernout Smit (1641 - 1710)
The South Prospect of Dover, in the County of Kent
Samuel and Nathaniel Buck (1696 - 1779)
Calais Pier
Thomas Bush Hardy (1842 - 1897)
A View of Hamoze and Plymouth Dock from Mount Edgcumbe
George Lambert (c.1700 - 1765)
Samuel Scott (c.1702 - 1772)
James Mason (1710 - c.1780)
Episcopatus Dunelmensis. The Bishoprike of Durham
Willem (Guillaume) Blaeu ( - 1638)
The Defence of Gibraltar on the Night of 13 and 14 September 1782
Richard Paton (1717 - 1791)
James Fittler (1758 - 1835)
Brunswick Dock on the Thames at Blackwall
William Daniell (1769 - 1837)
The RE’s Leaving Malta after 3 Years
Leslie Cole (1910 - 1976)
O’Dream of Joy
David Jones (1895 - 1974)
Scene on the Serpentine, Hyde Park, on the Night of the Grand Jubilee, 1 August 1814
Thomas, jnr Malton (1748 - 1804)
George Balmer (1806 - 1846)
Thomas Creswick (1811 - 1869)
William Finden (1787 - 1852)
Montrose, Forfarshire
William Daniell (1769 - 1837)
Fitting Paravane Tail and Rudder
Roland Vivian Pitchforth (1895 - 1982)
Estuary Scene in a Calm
Francis Swaine (1725 - 1782)
HMS Pantaloon
Nicholas Condy (1793 - 1857)
Mevagissy, Cornwall
William Daniell (1769 - 1837)
The British Fleet Passing the Castle of Cronenbergh into the Sound, 30 March 1801
Robert Dodd (1748 - 1815)
H.M. Frigate “Endymion” off Plymouth
Thomas Luny (1759 - 1837)
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