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human figure
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Figure (gender nonspecific)
Elderly woman
Elderly man
Human-figure Results
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
Leonard James Callaghan, Baron Callaghan of Cardiff (1912-2005)
British 20th century unknown
Queen Victoria (1819-1901) in Coronation Robes
Alfred Edward Chalon (1780 - 1860)
Samuel Cousins (1801 - 1887)
Canterbury Cathedral
John George Wood (1768 - 1838)
William Green (1760 - 1823)
Powis Castle, in Montgomeryshire
British 19th century unknown
Wilson Lowry (1762 - 1824)
Match between Eton and Westminster, 29 July 1847
George Childs
Catherine of Braganza (1638-1705) Queen of King Charles II
Sir Peter, (Studio) Lely
Ilfracombe: Southern Railway Poster Design
Leonard Richmond (1889 - 1965)
William Scott, Baron Stowell (1745-1836) maritime and international lawyer and judge
William Behnes (1795 - 1865)
Royal Dockyard, Chatham
Richard Paton (1717 - 1791)
John Hamilton Mortimer (1740 - 1779)
Pierre Charles Canot (1710 - 1777)
Sir George William Buchanan (1854-1924) diplomat
Kathleen, (Lady Kennet) Scott (1878 - 1947)
The Horse-Guards
Michael Angelo Rooker (1746 - 1801)
Edward Rooker (1712 - 1774)
Christ Church, Oxford
British 18th century unknown
Homme Libellule II
Dame Elisabeth Frink (1930 - 1993)
UFO Sequence 3 “Landing near Kosevje, Yugoslavia, May 1971”
Michael Buhler (1940 - 2009)
A Heath
John Constable (1776 - 1837)
David Lucas (1802 - 1881)
Il Prospetto Principale del Tempio e Piazza di S. Pietro in Vaticano
Giuseppe Vasi (1710 - 1782)
St. Paul’s School from the South
Edward Ardizzone (1900 - 1979)
Conway Castle
Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740 - 1812)
Portrait of Alton Peters
Craigie Aitchison (1926 - 2009)
North Front to St. James’s Palace from Cleveland Row
Thomas Shotter Boys (1803 - 1874)
The Harbour
William Alexander Burns (1921 - 1972)
Salmon Traps, near Eggersund
George Mounsey Wheatley Atkinson (c1806 - 1884)
George Mounsey Atkinson ( - 1908)
The West Front of St. Paul’s, Covent Garden
Paul Sandby (1731 - 1809)
Edward Rooker (1712 - 1774)
Port-Looe, Cornwall
William Daniell (1769 - 1837)
Portrait of an Unknown Man
Hans, (Circle) Hysing
Bachelor’s Hall Plate 4
Francis Calcraft Turner ( - 1846)
Marylebone Church
British 19th century unknown
The Horse Guards, June 1953
Adrian Daintrey (1902 - 1988)
Girl Knitting (Portrait of Felicia, the Artist’s younger Daughter)
Henry Lamb (1883 - 1960)
Coronation Night, Buckingham Palace
Pamela, Lady Rathdonell Drew (1910 - 1989)
A View of the East Front of the Queen’s Palace, St. James’s Park
James Miller
The Mint
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
John Bluck
South Front of St. Mary’s Church, Strand
Thomas, jnr Malton (1748 - 1804)
Richmond Terrace from Whitehall
Adrian Daintrey (1902 - 1988)
Temple of Minerva, Athens
William James Müller (1812 - 1845)
James Vernon (1667-1756) as a boy
Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646 - 1723)
His Majesty’s Royal Banqueting House of Whitehal
H Terasson
Radcliffe Camera, Oxford
Edwin La Dell (1914 - 1970)
Her Majesty’s Entry into London, 6 June 1820
British 19th century unknown
A North View of Blenheim House & Park, in the County of Oxford / Veüe Septenrionalle de la Maison et du Parc de Blenheim, dans le Conté d’Oxford
John Boydell (1719 - 1804)
A View of the Foundling Hospital
Louis-Philippe Boitard
A View of the Petrifying Spring, Commonly called the Dropping Well, at Knaresborough, in Yorkshire
Thomas, (of Derby) Smith (c.1720 - 24-1767)
Francois Vivares (1709 - 1780)
King’s Parade, Cambridge
Edwin La Dell (1914 - 1970)
Encampment at Scutari on the Bosphorus
Amadeo Preziosi (1816 - 1882)
St. Peter’s, Oundle, Northamptonshire
Charles Wickes (1828 - )
Alfred Newman ( - 1866)
Dame Elisabeth Frink (1930 - 1993)
The Cathedral Church of Wells
Leonard Knyff (1650 - 1722)
Mount Batten & Plymouth Sound
J Norrington
Soldiers at Cany
Sir William Orpen (1878 - 1931)
Horatio Walpole, 1st Baron Walpole of Wolterton (1678-1757) diplomat and politician [identity doubtful]
British 18th century unknown
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