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literary figures
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Byron, George Gordon
Lorca, Federico Garcia
Sterne, Laurence
Marlowe, Christopher
Swift, Jonathan
Melville, Herman
Thompson, James
Lem, Stanislaw
Mallarmé, Stéphane
Calvino, Italo
Yeats, William Butler
Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius
Laforgue, Jules
Rumi, Jajal al-Din
Blake, William
Laforge, Jules
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre
Plath, Sylvia
Donne, John
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Fielding, Henry
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
MacDiarmid, Hugh
Shonagon, Sei
Hardy, Thomas
De Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel
Milton, John
Apollinaire, Guillaume
Alighieri, Dante
Orwell, George
Farid al-Din Attar
Taylor Coleridge, Samuel
Sassoon, Siegfried
Shakespeare, William
Caroll, Lewis
Bernard Shaw, George
Congreve, William
Garcia-Bodaño, Salvador
Shaw, George Bernard
Literary-figures Results
Walk to the well. Turn as the earth and moon turn, Circling what they love. Whatever circles comes from the centre (Jajal al-Din Rumi)
Shirazeh Houshiary (1955 - )
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”: What angel wakes me from my flowery bed?
Barbara Brownlee (1940 - )
the right end of the stick
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
“Richard III”: My kingdom for a horse
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
Image not available
“Richard III”
John Hacker (1936 - )
Shakespeare’s Kings
Bernard Cheese (1925 - 2013)
Sophia Western, from Fielding’s “Tom Jones”
John Hoppner (1758 - 1810)
John Raphael Smith (1752 - 1812)
“Macbeth”: Birnham Wood to High Dunsinane
Brian Perrin (1932 - )
Maxton as “Hamlet”
Walter Richard Sickert (1860 - 1942)
Misery and Remorse
Robert Medley (1905 - 1994)
Shakespeare’s Birthplace
Edwin La Dell (1914 - 1970)
Aquelas Mañans de Musica…
Alfonso Costa (1943 - )
Salvador Garcia-Bodaño
So Alice picked him up very gently.
Peter Blake (1932 - )
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
As You like It
Julian Trevelyan (1910 - 1988)
For instance, now, there’s the King’s Messenger. He’s in prison now, being punished! and the trial doesn’t even begin till Wednesday: and of course the crime comes last of all.
Peter Blake (1932 - )
The Nymph Echo, Chang’d into a Sound
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
La Sauterelle [The Grasshopper]
Graham Sutherland (1903 - 1980)
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
I’ve only the friendship of hotel rooms
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
Leucothoe, Charmed with the Beauty of Apollo, yields without Resistance
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Don Quixote confined and enchanted
Colin Lanceley (1938 - 2015)
The Divine Comedy: 3. Paradiso
Rosemary Bisset (1948 - )
The Death of Sardanapalus
Michael Sandle (1936 - )
Narcissus Seeing his Reflection in a Fountain becomes Enamoured of Himself
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Mal dizer da Dona Piadosa…
Alfonso Costa (1943 - )
Salvador Garcia-Bodaño
Oh Helen, I roam my room
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
Orwell Memorial I
Michael Sandle (1936 - )
I’ll take my life monotonous
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
All these confessions…
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
“Julius Caesar”: Et tu Brute
Don Bessant (1941 - )
You’ll be sick if you spend all your time indoors
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
She’ll have forgotten her scarf
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
And I am alone in my house
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
“Hamlet”: Nymph in thy orisons be all my sins remembered
Sandra Blow (1925 - 2006)
My life inspires so many desires!
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
of william johnstone’s art
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
Ah! this life is so everyday
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
Ah! storm clouds rushed from the Channel coasts
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
Apollo, having overcome Marsyas in a Challenge, orders him to be Flead Alive
Jean-Michel Moreau (1741 - 1814)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
The Helmsman Steered the Ship On
David Jones (1895 - 1974)
wedding of the winds
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
“As You Like It”. Dame Peggy Ashcroft as Rosalind: “Wear This For Me”
Walter Richard Sickert (1860 - 1942)
The Very Deep Did not Rot – Oh Christ
David Jones (1895 - 1974)
the name that was a battle cry
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
Canto IX “Furies”
Syed Saleem Arif Quadri (1949 - )
the creative instant
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
The Moon and the Yew Tree – Sylvia Plath
Michael Rothenstein (1908 - 1993)
William Johnstone (1897 - 1981)
The Seductive Woman
Robert Medley (1905 - 1994)
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