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Literature Results
Charles Stuart, Baron Stuart de Rothesay (1779-1845) diplomat
Sir George Hayter (1792 - 1871)
Se uas a Compostela…
Alfonso Costa (1943 - )
Salvador Garcia-Bodaño
The Love-Apple Tree
Catherine Grubb (1945 - )
The Doctor Administering his Gilded Pill
Charles Williams
Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618) courtier, explorer, and author
Jacobus Houbraken (1698 - 1780)
Thomas Hardy’s Cottage, Dorset
Graham Clarke (1941 - )
Sir George Grey, 2nd Baronet (1799-1882) Home Secretary
Sir Francis Grant (1803 - 1878)
Samuel William Reynolds (1773 - 1835)
Henry de Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright (1840-1903) politician and historian
(Alexander von) Sándor Liezen-Mayer (1839 - 1898)
How to Read
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
“Henry V”: Battle of Agincourt
Jill Mustchin (1939 - )
Spencer Perceval (1762-1812) Prime Minister
George Francis Joseph (1764 - 1846)
Samuel Vaughan (1720-1802) trader, garden designer and philosopher
Robert Edge Pine (1742 - 1788)
Maria Anne Fitzherbert (1756-1837) famous beauty; morganatic wife of George IV
Richard, (After) Cosway
Sir Francis Buller (1746-1800) judge
Mather Brown (1761 - 1831)
Francesco Bartolozzi (1727 - 1815)
“Well, this is grand!” said Alice. “I never expected I should be a Queen so soon.”
Peter Blake (1932 - )
Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon (1609-1674) politician and historian [identity uncertain]
Cornelius Johnson (1593 - 1661)
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)
Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793 - 1872)
La Souris [The Mouse]
Graham Sutherland (1903 - 1980)
Brian Robert Morris, Lord Morris of Castle Morris (1930-2001) literary scholar, arts administrator and politician
Paul Brason (1952 - )
Plate 2
Chris Orr (1943 - )
L’Éléphant [The Elephant]
Graham Sutherland (1903 - 1980)
Sir John Patteson (1790-1861) judge
Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793 - 1872)
Samuel Cousins (1801 - 1887)
More Visitors to John Bull, or the Assess’d Taxes!!!
Richard Newton (1777 - 1798)
Michael Craig-Martin (1941 - )
I’ll take my life monotonous
Patrick Caulfield (1936 - 2005)
William Pitt (1759-1806) Prime Minister
Henry Edridge (1769 - 1821)
Antoine Cardon (1772 - 1813)
Arthur Young (1741-1820) agricultural reformer and writer
George, the younger Dance (1741 - 1825)
William Daniell (1769 - 1837)
William Ross, Baron Ross of Marnock (1911-1988) politician; Secretary of State for Scotland 1964-70, 1974-76
Kathryn Kynoch
A Literary Party at Sir Joshua Reynolds’s
James E Doyle
William, III Walker (1791 - 1867)
William Pitt (1759-1806) Prime Minister
Thomas Gainsborough (1727 - 1788)
John Keyse Sherwin (1751 - 1790)
The Dragoman of Mr Moore, English Consul at Beyrout
Sir David Wilkie (1785 - 1841)
Untitled (14)
Adrian Wiszniewski (1958 - )
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”: Bottom and the Fairies
Anthony Gross (1905 - 1984)
George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th Baron Byron (1788-1824) poet
Thomas Phillips (1770 - 1845)
Thomas Goff Lupton (1791 - 1873)
The Picture Gallery, Stafford House [now Lancaster House]
James Digman Wingfield (1800 - 1872)
Reklame durch das Schaufenster
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour (1848-1930) Prime Minister
George Fiddes Watt (1873 - 1960)
Sir Emery Walker (1851 - 1933)
Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford (1676-1745) Prime Minister
Jean Baptiste van, (Studio) Loo
Dream Inventory January 1997
Jane Gifford (1955 - )
Hudibras and the Lawyer
William Hogarth (1697 - 1764)
Untitled (8)
Adrian Wiszniewski (1958 - )
Dame Elisabeth Frink (1930 - 1993)
George Macartney, 1st Earl Macartney (1737-1806) diplomat and colonial governor
Henry Edridge (1769 - 1821)
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
“Macbeth”: Hail, King of Scotland
Edward Hoskins (1939 - )
Portrait of an unknown man in a wig and holding a book entitled ‘Syntagma Juris’
18th century unknown
Bard Attitude
Bedwyr Williams (1974 - )
Benjamin West (1738-1820) artist
George Henry Harlow (1787 - 1819)
James Fittler (1758 - 1835)
Stanley Road
Peter Blake (1932 - )
1796 and All That
Chris Orr (1943 - )
The Radcliffe Library
Frederick Mackenzie (1787 - 1854)
John Bluck
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