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naval battle
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Assault on Copenhagen (1659)
Battle of Havana
Siege/Relief of Gibraltar
Battle of Martinique
Battle of Lissa
Battle of Lagos
Anglo-Spanish War (1585-1604)
Battle of the Nile
Battle of Navarino
Battle of Cape St. Vincent
Third Battle of Ushant
The Glorious First of June
Battle of Camperdown
Battle of the Solent
Unnamed naval battle
Glorious First of June
Battle of St. Vincent
Battle of Quiberon Bay
Dardanelles Operation
Normandy landings (amphibious phase)
Battle of Trafalgar
Crimean War (naval engagement)
Battle of Copenhagen (1801)
Naval-battle Results
Naval Engagement off Norwegian Coast
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Battle between English & African Men-o-War
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Spanish Officers Surrendering their Swords to Nelson
Thomas Jones Barker (1813 - 1882)
Charles George Lewis (1808 - 1880)
Chase of French Man-o-War by British Man-o-War
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
“Victory” Towed into Gibraltar after Trafalgar
Clarkson, (After) Stanfield
The Scene before Gibraltar, on the morning of the 14th of September, 1782
James Jefferys (1751 - 1784)
II: The Spanish Fleet against Fowey, drawn up in the Form of a Half Moon, and the English Fleet pursuing them
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
Lord Howe Breaking the French Line, 1 June 1794
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Battle of Lissa, 13 March 1811
George Webster
Henri Merke
VIII: The Spanish Fleet is seen sailing up the Channel, intending to stop at Dunkirk or Calais, where they were to be join’d by the Duke of Parma: The English follow them close
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
The Victory Obtained over the Dutch Fleet by the British Squadron of the North Sea under the Command of Admiral Duncan in the Action of 11 October 1797 [The Battle of Camperdown]
Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740 - 1812)
James Fittler (1758 - 1835)
The Glorious Victory, obtained over the French Fleet by the British Fleet under the Command of Earl Howe, on the First of June 1794
Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740 - 1812)
James Fittler (1758 - 1835)
The Battle of Copenhagen
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
The British Attack on Gorée, 29 November 1758
Richard Paton (1717 - 1791)
I: The Spanish Fleet coming up the Channel, opposite the Lizard, as it was first discovered
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
IX: The Spaniards come to an Anchor before Calais, from whence they are dislodg’d by the Fireships sent amongst them in the Night: The English prepare to pursue them
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
Death of Nelson: Scene on the Deck of HMS “Victory”
Samuel Drummond (1765 - 1844)
Entering the Breach of the Moro Castle, by Storm, 30 July 1762 [the Siege of Havana]
Dominic Serres (1722 - 1793)
Pierre Charles Canot (1710 - 1777)
VIII: The Spanish Fleet is seen sailing up the Channel, intending to stop at Dunkirk or Calais, where they were to be join’d by the Duke of Parma: The English follow them close
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
The Siege and Relief of Gibraltar
John Singleton Copley (1738 - 1815)
William Sharp (1749 - 1824)
Commemoration of Victory of 1 June 1794 [“The Glorious First of June”; Third Battle of Ushant]
Robert Smirke (1753 - 1845)
Francesco Bartolozzi (1727 - 1815)
Thomas Ryder (1746 - 1810)
James Stow
V: The Admiral of the Guypuscoan Squadron being set on Fire, is taken by the English. The rest of the Spanish Fleet continue their Course in the Form of a Half Moon: And when both Fleets were against the Isle of Portland, they come to an Engagement
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
A Battle Scene
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
The Evening of the Glorious First of June 1794
Robert Cleveley (1747 - 1809)
Thomas Medland
The Encampment of the English Forces near Portsmouth, together with a View of the English and French Fleets at the Commencement of the Action between them on the XIXth of July MDXLV
16th century unknown
James Basire (1730 - 1802)
Commemoration of the XIth October MDCCXCVII [The Battle of Camperdown]
Robert Smirke (1753 - 1845)
John, I Smart (1741 - 1811)
James Parker (1750 - 1805)
George Noble
British Men of War Attacked by the King of Lagos
James George Philp (1816 - 1885)
Attack of the Vanguard on the Spanish Armada, 1588
Sir Oswald Walters Brierly (1817 - 1894)
Battle of Trafalgar
Robert Strickland Thomas (1787 - 1853)
Commemoration of the 14th February 1797 [The Battle of Cape St. Vincent]
Robert Smirke (1753 - 1845)
James Parker (1750 - 1805)
William Henry Worthington (c.1790 - )
The Battle of St. Vincent
Charles Martin Powell (1775 - 1824)
The Battle of the Nile, fought 1 August 1798
Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740 - 1812)
James Fittler (1758 - 1835)
A Brig Chasing a Smuggler or Pirate Ship
Richard B Spencer
VII: Represent the sharpest Engagement that happen’d between the two Fleets, on July 25, against the Isle of Wight
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
X: The Spaniards make the best of their way for the Northern Seas; and are, in the mean time, very much battered by the English, who closely pursue them. The chief Galleass is stranded near Calais
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
Death of Nelson: Scene on the Deck of HMS “Victory”
Samuel Drummond (1765 - 1844)
The Siege of Copenhagen
Johannes Hermanus Koekkoek (1778 - 1851)
The Morning of the Glorious First of June 1794
Robert Cleveley (1747 - 1809)
Benjamin Thomas Pouncy ( - 1799)
The Death of Nelson [Key]
Arthur William Devis (1763 - 1822)
William Bromley (1769 - 1842)
The Battle of Quiberon Bay, 1759
Richard Paton (1717 - 1791)
Victors of the Nile
Robert Smirke (1753 - 1845)
William Bromley (1769 - 1842)
John George Landseer (1769 - 1852)
William S Leney (1769 - 1831)
The Battle of Cape St. Vincent, 14 February 1797
Robert (after) Cleveley (1747 - 1809)
William Anderson (1757 - 1837)
Sir Edward Codrington (1770-1851) Admiral, Commander at the Battle of Navarino 1827
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769 - 1830)
Charles Turner (1774 - 1857)
Men-o-War in Action: English Ship and Barbary Pirate Vessels
Willem van de, II Velde (1633 - 1707)
I: The Spanish Fleet coming up the Channel, opposite the Lizard, as it was first discovered
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
The Battle of Copenhagen
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
Battle of the Nile: Night of 1st August 1798
Captain James Weir
Thomas Hellyer
The Battle of Trafalgar
Thomas Somerscales (1842 - 1927)
The Defence of Gibraltar in the Afternoon of 13 September 1782
Richard Paton (1717 - 1791)
James Fittler (1758 - 1835)
The Death of Lord Viscount Nelson
Benjamin West (1738 - 1820)
James Heath (1757 - 1834)
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