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naval battle
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Assault on Copenhagen (1659)
Battle of Havana
Siege/Relief of Gibraltar
Battle of Martinique
Battle of Lissa
Battle of Lagos
Anglo-Spanish War (1585-1604)
Battle of the Nile
Battle of Navarino
Battle of Cape St. Vincent
Third Battle of Ushant
The Glorious First of June
Battle of Camperdown
Battle of the Solent
Unnamed naval battle
Glorious First of June
Battle of St. Vincent
Battle of Quiberon Bay
Dardanelles Operation
Normandy landings (amphibious phase)
Battle of Trafalgar
Crimean War (naval engagement)
Battle of Copenhagen (1801)
Naval-battle Results
X: The Spaniards make the best of their way for the Northern Seas; and are, in the mean time, very much battered by the English, who closely pursue them. The chief Galleass is stranded near Calais
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
Battle of Trafalgar
William Joy (1803 - c.1859)
Sir Henry Morgan (c1635-1688) Buccaneer
British 17th century unknown
Battle of Trafalgar
Thomas Luny (1759 - 1837)
Admiral Sir John Duckworth Forcing Pass through Dardanelles, 1807
Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740 - 1812)
French Defeat off Cape Lagos
British 19th century unknown
IV: De Valdez’s Galleon springs her Foremast, and is taken by Sir Francis Drake. The Lord-Admiral with the Bear and Mary Rose, pursue the Enemy, who are in the Form of a Half Moon
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
VI: Some English Ships attack the Spanish Fleet to the Westward. The Spaniards draw themselves into a Roundel: And afterwards keeping on their Course, are followed by the English
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
The Capture of Martinique (mountain & town behind)
Thomas Luny (1759 - 1837)
Sir Thomas Graves (c.1747-1814) Admiral
James Northcote (1746 - 1831)
The Defence of Gibraltar on the Night of 13 and 14 September 1782
Richard Paton (1717 - 1791)
James Fittler (1758 - 1835)
Attack on Spanish Treasure Galleys, Portugal
Hendrick Cornelisz Vroom (1566 - 1640)
III: At the left Hand Corner is represented the first Engagement between the Spanish and English Fleets: After which the English give Chace to the Spaniards, who draw themselves up in a Roundel
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
IV: De Valdez’s Galleon springs her Foremast, and is taken by Sir Francis Drake. The Lord-Admiral with the Bear and Mary Rose, pursue the Enemy, who are in the Form of a Half Moon
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
L’Horizon de la Liberation: En Souvenir du 6/6/44
Juliane Hervé (1921 - 2006)
Admiral Hawk’s Defeat of Admiral Conflans 20 November 1759
British 19th century unknown
A Naval Engagement
Nicholas Pocock (1740 - 1821)
The Capture of Martinique (palm trees to right)
Thomas Luny (1759 - 1837)
Battle of the Nile: English Squadron, Bay of Shoals
Captain James Weir
Thomas Hellyer
II: The Spanish Fleet against Fowey, drawn up in the Form of a Half Moon, and the English Fleet pursuing them
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
Battle of the Nile: Morning of 2nd August 1798
Captain James Weir
Thomas Hellyer
The Capture of Martinique (shipping against clouds)
Thomas Luny (1759 - 1837)
The Capture of Havana by the English Squadron
Dominic Serres (1722 - 1793)
VI: Some English Ships attack the Spanish Fleet to the Westward. The Spaniards draw themselves into a Roundel: And afterwards keeping on their Course, are followed by the English
Clement Lemprière ( - 1746)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
Battle of Lissa, 13 March 1811
George Webster
Henri Merke
George Augustus Eliott, 1st Baron Heathfield of Gibraltar (1717-1790) General and Defender of Gibraltar, Governor of Gibraltar 1777-1790
19th century unknown
Key to: The Victory Obtained over the Dutch Fleet by the British Squadron of the North Sea under the Command of Admiral Duncan in the Action of 11 October 1797 [The Battle of Camperdown]
Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740 - 1812)
James Fittler (1758 - 1835)
Nelson’s Ship in a Bottle
Yinka Shonibare CBE (1962 - )
The Relief of Gibraltar by the British Fleet under Lord Howe & Vice Admiral Barrington, 11 October 1782
John Singleton Copley (1738 - 1815)
William Sharp (1749 - 1824)
Dominic Serres (1722 - 1793)
Robert Pollard (1755 - 1838)
The Destruction of the Floating Batteries before Gibraltar, 14 September 1782
Dominic Serres (1722 - 1793)
Francis Jukes (1745 - 1812)
The British Squadron Preparing to Pursue the Combined Squadrons of France and Spain, on the Afternoon of 12 July 1801
Jahleel Brenton (1770 - 1844)
Joseph Constantine Stadler (1755 - 1828)
F Hubert
The Ships Returning from the Attack of the French Squadron
Jahleel Brenton (1770 - 1844)
Joseph Constantine Stadler (1755 - 1828)
F Hubert
The Siege and Relief of Gibraltar
John Singleton Copley (1738 - 1815)
William Sharp (1749 - 1824)
Sir George Rooke (c.1650-1709) Admiral of the Fleet
Michael, (after) Dahl
A View of the Grand Attack upon Gibraltar, 13 September 1782 [facsimile engraving]
Lieutenant William Sandby
Sea Battle
Dutch 17th century unknown
The Sortie made by the Garrison of Gibraltar in the Morning of 27 November 1781
John Trumbull (1756 - 1843)
William Sharp (1749 - 1824)
The Scene on Deck of HMS “Victory” during the Battle of Trafalgar [?]
Bernard Finegan Gribble (1872 - 1962)
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