Tracing copyright

The Government Art Collection has works of art in its care whose copyright status is unclear. To ensure our records are as accurate as possible we are publishing the list below in the hope that you may be able to help us trace copyright ownership. Unless otherwise specified, the dates given below correspond to the artist’s lifespan.

If you have any information that you think may be relevant please email us at

Artists Known Dates
Arthur Gerald Ackermann 1876-1960
Justus Akeredolu 1915-1984
Reginald Geoffrey Allard 1947
E P Allen 1953-1957
F E Allen 1930-1939
James Allen 1941
Janet Allen 1959
Trevor Allen 1939-2008
Kate Amaral 1950-1970
Philip M Amonoo 1960-1964
D L Amos 1964-1966
Cuthbert G M Anderson 1904
Madeleine Elizabeth Anderson 1910-1976
Robin Anderson 1900
A W Anthony 1960-1990
Kofi Antubam 1922-1964
Keith R Armour 1931
Charles Geoffrey Arnold 1915
Elizabeth Mary Aslin 1923-1989
J d’Avila
James Bacon and Sons
Gerry Badger 1948
Robin Bagihole 1942
Mary Ball 1922
Percy des Carrieres Ballance 1899
Peter Barker-Mill 1908-1994
James G Bates 1950-1955
S F Bates 1945-1955
Keith Stuart Baynes 1887-1977
Alec Bellamy 1968-1971
Henry Belton 1960-1965
John Archibald Alexander Berrie 1887-1962
John Archibald Alexander Berrie (after) 1887-1962
Don Bessant 1941
Gladys Best 1898
Douglas H Billin 1950-1955
Douglas Robertson Bisset 1908
Clarence Edward Blackburn 1914-1984
Josselin Bodley 1893-1974
Konstantin Fedorovitsch Bogajewsky 1872-1942
Phyllis Bone 1896-1972
Wendela Boreel 1895-1985
Charles Gordon Borrowman 1892-1956
George Boucas 1879-1941
Boulenc (Colonel D B Butler) 1908-1969
Marius Boven 1896
Martin Bradley 1931
Leonard Griffith Brammer 1906-1994
D Brentegani
Christian Brett 1915
Corina Briceño 1943
Barbara A Brine 1970-1975
Robert Broadley 1908-1988
Audrey Brockbank 1938
Lydia Isaakovna Brodskaya 1910-1991
Donald Stuart Brown 1954-1956
Samuel John Milton Brown 1873-1965
Barbara Brownlee 1940
Mario von Bucovich 1884
Luiz Ortizao Burnay 1940-1950
William Alexander Burns 1921-1972
James Burr 1926
Charles Burton 1929
Clive Burton 1947
Adrian Bury 1891-1991
Jean Camp 1950-1955
George Campbell 1917-1979
John Carter 1942
A D H Cary 1950-1952
William Sidney Causer 1880-1958
Jim Cave
Douglas Granville Chandor 1897-1953
Chien-Ying Chang 1915-2005
Florence Edith Cheesman 1877-1964
John Christie 1945
Katharine Church 1910-1999
Thomas Brown Clark 1895-1983
A A Clayton 1955-1965
Alice Margaret Coats 1905-1978
Charles David Cobb 1921-2014
John Whitlock Codner 1913-2008
Dorothy Josephine Coke 1897-1979
Ada Louise Collier 1870-1948
Bill Colman 1937
Philip Connard 1875-1958
Frank Connelly 1948
Alfred Charles Conrade 1863-1955
John C Cook 1952
Donald Cook 1989-1991
Harold Swinnirton Cook 1965-1970
Anthony Cooke 1933
Victor Cooley
Janine Cooper 1943
David Coster 1952
Finlay Coupar 1975-1980
Harold Percy Cox 1940-1950
Chris Crabtree 1948
Frank Barrington Craig 1902-1951
Cyril Alfred Crane 1918
Esme Cromer 1922
Muriel Cuckney 1911-2004
Tom Curr 1887-1958
Bernard Dangerfield 1948-1949
John Davidson 1944
Gordon Davies c1918
Arthur Davis
Anthony Day
Cari Dell 1900-1965
Gillian Dennison 1960-1965
Brigid Derham 1943-1980
Margaret de Courcy Lewthwaite Dewar 1878-1959
Ernest Michael Dinkel 1895-1983
Desmond Dobbin
Enslin Du Plessis 1894-1978
Sally Ducksbury 1953-1965
Thomas Cantrell Dugdale 1880-1952
Janette Dunnet 1953
Alfred Edmund Dyer 1925-1955
Thomas Eccles 1960-1965
Olive Edis 1876-1955
Michael Edwards 1951
Elliott and Fry 1864-1963
Theodore L Else 1950-1955
David Evans 1950-1955
Malcolm Fielding
Elisabeth Flowerday 1975
A E Foreman 1953
Foulsham and Banfield
Maurice Frederick Foxell 1888-1981
P D Fraser 1940
Mary Freeman 1968-1971
John Furnival 1933
Hubert E Furse 1945-1957
Ian Garson 1950
Charles Gautier
Charles Ginner 1878-1952
Eric Goodliffe 1948-1952
S N Gorakshakar 1950-1952
Fergus Graham 1900-1968
William Graham 1923
Lesley Marlene Graves 1950
L del Greco 1950-1955
H J M Green 1960-1965
Karen Gregory c1945
John Griffiths 1926-2012
Peter Grosz 1970-1975
Molly Guion 1910-1982
John Hacker 1936
Nicholas Hacking 1956
Michael Hale 1934
Kenneth Hall 1910-1946
Minnie O B Hall 1950-1980
Michael Halliday 1970-1980
Arthur Creed Hambly 1900
Alan Hardie 1946
Martin Hardie 1875-1952
E Vincent Harris 1879-1971
Anthony Harrison 1931-2012
Philip Harrison 1936
J D M Harvey 1930-1940
Ernest William Haslehurst 1866-1949
Dennis Hawkins 1925-2001
John S Hawley 1939
Ioni Heath 1970-1980
Susan Hilton 1960-1965
Arthur J Hilyer 1960-1965
Peter Holland 1949-1953
Paul Hopper 1950
Cedric Horner 1959-c.2000
Edward Hoskins 1939
Richard Hough 1945-1985
David Houghton 1960-1970
Charles Howard 1899-1978
Anna Hope (“Nan”) Hudson 1869-1957
Jane Hull
Marie Atkinson Hull 1890-1980
James H Humphries 1925-1955
Miles Hunter 1955
Leslie Hurry 1909-1978
Rudolf Ihlee 1883-1968
Dimitri Ismailovitch 1892-1976
Nicolette Ismay 1952
Charles Randle Jackson 1911-1962
Marilyn Jacob 1953
Elizabeth Tuke Jenkins 1906
Sir William Goscombe John 1860-1952
Alan Jones 1941
Barbara Mildred Jones 1912-1978
Bob Jones 1937
James Idwal Jones 1900-1985
Robert Jones 1943
W Dennis Jones 1950-1960
Sam Kaner 1924-1990
Cecil Keeling 1912-1976
Lydia Kemeny 20th century
Cedric J Kennedy 1898-1968
Mary Kessell 1914-1977
Kathleen King 1904
Suzanne King 1955
Anthony Kirk
Eve Kirk 1900-1969
Doris Krause 1992
Margret Kroch-Frishman 1897-1972
John Gascoigne Lake 1903-1975
Julian Lamar 1893-1967
Percy Lancaster 1878-1951
Reginald Montague Lander 1913
Gillian Lawson 1936
Patricia Lear 1952
Jessica Lee 1960-1962
Peter Lee
Bill Leeson 1934
John Leigh-Pemberton 1911-1997
Paul Pierre Lemagny 1905-1977
Richard Lin 1933
Sydney Mackenzie Litten 1887-1949
Isbecia Llavaneras 1956
Charles Lloyd 1930
Diana Lodge 1906-1998
Alan Lumsden 1970-1980
Patricia Lumsden 1957-1962
Peter Charles Lyon 1951
Henry Macbeth-Raeburn 1860-1947
Frances Macdonald 1914
William Alister MacDonald 1860-1956
Sine Mackinnon 1901-1996
William J MacLeod 1928-1950
Iain Macnab 1890-1967
Charles Madden 1906
Frederick Mager 1882
Sidney March 1875-1968
Francis Patrick Martin 1883-1966
Juan Martinez 1965-1975
Raymond Martinez 1937
Bertram Mascall 1975-1980
Bateson Mason 1910-1977
Frederick George Masters 1950-1955
Terry McGlynn 1903-1973
Michael S McIntyre 20th century
Frank McKelvey 1895-1974
Juliet McLeod 1917-1982
Anne McNair 1970-1980
Dorothy Mead 1928-1975
Campbell Archibald Mellon 1878-1955
Graham Meredith 1945
Luis Mezzadra 1950-1960
Lil Michaelis 1911-1987
David Millar 1970-1980
N A L Miller 1950-1955
John Milne 1931-1978
Malcolm Midwood Milne 1887-1954
Thomas Stuart Milner 1909-1969
David Mindline 1979
Miyanda 1957
Miles Fletcher de Montmorency 1893-1963
John Charles Moody 1884-1962
James Morgan 1935
John Murphy II 1930
Arthur Franklin Musgrave 1878-1969
Martin Naylor 1944
J B Nellist 1955-1957
William Newcombe 1907-1969
Algernon Newton 1880-1968
Bertram Nicholls 1883-1974
Paul Nicholls 1949
John Hobson Nicholson 1911
John Nicoll 1925
Uli Nimptsch 1897-1977
Brenda Noble 1935
John Rushton Noble 1927
Kim Nygaard 1975-1980
John O’Connor II 1945
Michael Oelman 1941
Alan Oram 1970-1980
Edward Palmer 1950-1952
John Palmer 1923
William John Palmer-Jones 1887-1974
C V Parker 1949-1960
Francesco Parrotti 1870-1950
Elizabeth G Paul 1975-1980
Henry Arthur Payne 1868-1940
Norah Pearse 1885-1980
Christopher Penny 1947-2001
Edmund Perini 1975-1980
Sylvia Perrott 1958-1962
A W Peters 1910-1940
Julia Phelps 1948-1993
John Pimlott 1905
A J Pitcher 1880-1920
Charles Terry Pledge 1887-1962
Hilda Chancellor Pope 1917-1976
Patricia Pratt 1975-1980
Stanley Price 1950-1953
Margaret Fisher Prout 1875-1963
James Peter Quinn 1871-1951
Robert Rankin 1958-1962
Agnes Reeve 1896-1984
Russell Sidney Reeve 1895-1970
Patricia A Regnart 1939
Max Reynolds 1950-1956
Bob Rhodes 1946
Eleuterio Riccardi 1884-1963
Edward Ripley 1929
Ivan Ripley 1939-2008
Enid Robbie 1931-2001
Kate Roberts 20th century
Ivor Roberts-Jones 1913-1996
Barbara Robertson 1945
Patrick Robertson 1950-1960
Peggy Robertson 1953-1955
Cecilio Guzmán de Rojas 1899-1950
Gerald Rowe 1924
Ru van Royem 1950-1965
Robert Russell 1902
Amanda Ryder 1954
Ado 1936-1994
Rudolf Helmut Sauter 1895-1977
Ernest Savage 1906
Peter Schmidt 1931-1980
Herbert Seiler 1928-2008
E Mary Shelley 1920-1930
Marjorie Sherlock 1897-1973
B Sherman 1960-1965
Elizabeth Sibley 1957
Josephine Simmonds 1940
Beryl Sinclair 1901-1967
Gail Singer 1924-1985
Roy Smallman 1944
Albert Smith
Andrew Smith 1966-1970
Sandra D Smith 1960
Joyce Spencer 1924
Shirley Stevenson 1956
Alistair N Stewart 1905
Catriona Stewart
Ian Strang 1886-1952
Jeanne Stubbing
Mary Newbury Sturrock 1890-1985
Julian Sullivan 1938-1983
Jeanette Sutton 1975-1978
David Tarttelin 1929
Bruce Taylor 1921
Frank Taylor 1939-1950
Frederick Taylor 1875-1963
Lesley Teave 1965
Eugenio Tellez 1939
John Thirsk 1945
David R Thomas 1916-1990
Michael Thompson 1965-1966
I Thomson
Malcolm J Thomson c1950
Geoffrey Tibble 1909-1952
Victor Till 1977
Arthur R Middleton Todd 1891-1966
Henry Houghton Trivick 1908-1982
Nicholas Tucker 1948
C Tunstall Small 1888-c.1958
Eric Moss Tunstall 1897-1987
John Urban 1943
Pauline Vincent 1940
Elizabeth Von Holleben 20th century
Stewart J Waghorn 1950-1955
L H Walker 1975-1980
Charles Wyatt Warren 1908-1993
John Watson 1923-1992
Pamela Watson 1955-1960
Nicholas Waygood 1950
Clifford Cyril Webb 1895-1972
John Robert Webster 1934
Victor Weisz (“Vicky”) 1913-1966
Mary Welby 1992
Emily R Wentworth
Edwin Whitney-Smith 1880-1952
Derek Wilkinson 1929-2001
John Christopher Temple Willis 1900-1969
Janette Wilson 1951
Tony Wilson
Kay Wolf 1970-1980
Wilfred Rene Wood 1888-1976
William Thomas Wood 1877-1958
Gerald Woods 1942
Harold Workman 1897-1975
Leslie J Worthington 1940-1960
C J Wyatt 1915
Masao Yoshida 1935
Zoran Yovanovich 1965-1975