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View of the New Council House, Salisbury
Edward Dayes (1763 - 1804)
Francis Jukes (1745 - 1812)
Queen Victoria’s Visit to Falmouth, 1 September 1843
Thomas Picken (1815 - 1870)
Louis Haghe (1806 - 1885)
Eagle Owl
Dame Elisabeth Frink (1930 - 1993)
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
Downe, Kent
Walter John Pezare (1911 - )
Frederick V, King of Bohemia (1596-1632)
Gerrit van Honthorst (1590 - 1656)
Ian Hamilton Finlay (1925 - 2006)
Volcano in Sea
Keith Grant (1930 - )
Columbus Avenue
Alice Hannigan (1967 - )
Untitled (Abstract)
Krishen Khanna (1925 - )
Alexandra of Denmark (1844-1925) Queen Consort of King Edward VII
Edward Hughes (1832 - 1908)
Song of Songs: Rise up, my love, my fair one
Edward Wolfe (1897 - 1982)
Mevagissy, Cornwall
William Daniell (1769 - 1837)
Reproduction of image restricted by copyright
Castello di Lombardia
Walter Hoyle (1922 - 2000)
George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th Baron Byron (1788-1824) Poet
British 19th century unknown
Landscape with Herdsman and Flock
German 18th century unknown
Water Engine, Cold Bath Fields Prison
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
John Bluck
Windsor Castle from Clewer
William Westall (1781 - 1850)
Charles Joseph Hullmandel (1789 - 1850)
North West View of Windsor Castle
George Robertson (1742 - 1788)
James Fittler (1758 - 1835)
Prospekt Admiralteistva i okolo lezhashchikh stroenii s chastiiu Nevskoi perspektivoi dorogi s’zapadnuiu storonu. Vüe de l’Amirauté et ses Environs en regardant de la Porte Triomphale vers l’occident.
Mikhail Ivanovitch Makhaev (1716 - 1770)
Giuseppe Valeriani (1690 - 1761)
Grigorii Anikeevich Kachalov
The South West Prospect of the City of Worcester
Samuel and Nathaniel Buck (1696 - 1779)
The Woodman
William Strang (1859 - 1921)
The Jewish Question
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Southwold Dunes
Lionel Bulmer (1919 - 1992)
Interior and Exterior
Sir Roger de Grey (1918 - 1995)
The Transformation of Galanthis into a Weasel
Jean-Michel Moreau (1741 - 1814)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Hayle, St Ives
Helen Clapcott (1952 - )
Diary of a Dreaming Woman
Ansel Krut (1959 - )
Masao Yoshida (1935 - )
White Flowers
André Bicât (1909 - 1996)
Grey Nude
Alistair Grant (1925 - 1997)
Sinister Paris Night
Christopher Richard Wynne Nevinson (1889 - 1946)
‘The King of Hearts’
Fernand Léger (1881 - 1955)
The Abbey, Coronation June 1953
Feliks Topolski (1907 - 1989)
The Queen of the Lake Mälaren
Einar Forseth (1892 - 1988)
Chemical Works-3
Prunella Clough (1919 - 1999)
Circle E
Gordon House (1932 - 2004)
Royal Homecoming
Edwin La Dell (1914 - 1970)
Rising Forms
Graham Bevan (1935 - 2006)
Beehives in the Snow, Sweden
William Ratcliffe (1870 - 1955)
Paris-Plage, Picardy
William Frederick Mayor (1865 - 1916)
Druidical Circle, Keswick
James Baker Pyne (1800 - 1870)
William Gauci
Sir Richard Taunton (d1752) Mayor of Southampton
Thomas Stokes
Requiem I
Anthony Harrison (1931 - 2012)
Ajaccio Harbour, Corsica
John Minton (1917 - 1957)
Camels, Tomb of the First Emperor, Nanking
Patrick Procktor (1936 - 2003)
A View from Richmond Hill up the River. Paisage du haut de la Montagne de Richmond en assendant la Tamise
Antonio Jolli (c1700 - 1777)
Francois Vivares (1709 - 1780)
John Piper (1903 - 1992)
The Fishery
Richard, (of Liverpool) Wright (1735 - 1775)
William Woollett (1735 - 1785)
Ash and Oak
James Duffield Harding (1797 - 1863)
And Death Shall Have No Dominion [3(b)]
Ceri Richards (1903 - 1971)
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