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The Custom House, Kings Lynn
Hubert E Furse
Trafalgar Square (Coronation)
Ebbe Sadolin (1900 - 1982)
Songs of a Sourdough
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
Engagements between the English & Spanish Fleets [Bound Volume]
Hubert Francois Gravelot (1699 - 1773)
John Pine (1690 - 1756)
Stanley William Hayter (1901 - 1988)
Sir Reginald Wingate (1861-1953) British High Commissioner in Egypt
Cairo Anglo-Swiss Studio
Salve Urbe Magna…
Alfonso Costa (1943 - )
Salvador Garcia-Bodaño
North Italian Lake Landscape
19th century unknown
Section and Elevation of a Wheel used by the Chinese for raising Water
I Burrow
William Skelton (1763 - 1848)
Asters and Hydrangeas
Vanessa Bell (1879 - 1961)
The Pontic Rhododendron
Peter Charles Henderson
James Caldwall (1739 - c.1823)
The Great Court of Greenwich Hospital
Thomas, jnr Malton (1748 - 1804)
Canal Scene, Maida Vale
Algernon Newton (1880 - 1968)
“Victory” Towed into Gibraltar after Trafalgar
Clarkson, (After) Stanfield
Ernest Alfred Dunn (1937 - )
Jazzar Mosque, Acre
James Allen (1941 - )
Jesus College
Julian Trevelyan (1910 - 1988)
Breeze II
John Reginald Brunsdon (1933 - 2014)
Reproduction of image restricted by copyright
Design for the Investiture of the Prince of Wales, Caernarfon Castle: Water Gate Entrance, Sketch 2
Carl Toms (1927 - 1999)
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
Edinburgh Housing (Three Houses)
Richard Hough (1945 - 1985)
Birds in a Landscape
Jian Chen
Reedy Pool, Essex
John Humphrey Spender (1910 - 2005)
Temple and Harleford
Joseph Farington (1747 - 1821)
Joseph Constantine Stadler (1755 - 1828)
Charlotte Sophia of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1744-1818) Queen of King George III, and the Princess Royal
Benjamin West (1738 - 1820)
Valentine Green (1739 - 1813)
Her Majesties Royal Palace at Kensington
British 18th century unknown
Three Tulips in a Vase
Leonard McComb (1930 - )
3: In and Out of the Lane
Henry Thomas Alken (1785 - 1851)
John, III Harris (1811 - 1865)
Kew Gardens
Lydia Kemeny (1925 - 4 January 2012)
Shou Lao, God of Longevity
Chinese 18th century unknown
John Street, Adelphi
Thomas, jnr Malton (1748 - 1804)
Turkish Ladies Walking
Amadeo Preziosi (1816 - 1882)
View on the Thames at Deptford Dockyard
John Thomas Serres (1759 - 1825)
Image not available
Agathe Sorel (1935 - )
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
Morston, Norfolk
John Christopher Temple Willis (1900 - 1969)
The Coronation of His Majesty King George IV: Taken at the time of the Recognition, 19 July 1821
James Stephanoff (c.1788 - 1874)
Matthew Dubourg
St. John and the Lamb
18th century unknown
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
The Quay, Weymouth
James G Bates
Dingli, Malta
Richard Demarco (1930 - )
King Charles II (1630-85) Reigned 1660-85
Benedetto, the Younger Gennari (1633 - 1715)
A View of Westminster Bridge and Lambeth Palace / Vue du Pont de Westminster et du Palais de Lambeth
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Robert, Jnr Havell (1793 - 1878)
Landscape with River and Horsemen
Jacques d` Arthois (1613 - 1686)
South East View of Ely Cathedral
William Anslow
Matthew Dubourg
William Johnstone White (c.1780 - 1844)
Prunella Clough (1919 - 1999)
Medmenham Abbey
Louis Bélanger (1756 - 1816)
Zodiacal Stream
Fanchon Frohlich
Westminster Abbey and Bridge from Horseferry, Lambeth
British 18th century unknown
Still Life
Tess Jaray (1937 - )
Reproduction restricted: copyright holder unknown
Pond near Dunwich, Suffolk
Bill Colman (1937 - )
André Bicât (1909 - 1996)
Joseph Farington (1747 - 1821)
Joseph Constantine Stadler (1755 - 1828)
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