Art X-UK

Art X-UK is the Government Art Collection's annual project that supports work by artists across the UK, alongside regional and national partners.

Posing outdoors in the Peak district under a grey sky, the artist wears a bowl as a mask where the fearful image of the Hindu goddess Kali is reflected with her tongue sticking out, and holds a broom.

Manish Harijan, (Detail) Shaman "Untouchable unseen", 2019 © Manish Harijan. For Art X-UK (Yorkshire and Humber).

A small, wooden cabin on green grass with trees behind it; a man wearing all black lounges at its step.

Harold Offeh, (Detail) Lounging, After Teddy Pendergrass, (Wysing Cabin), 2018 © Harold Offeh. For Art X-UK (East).

Coming from the foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal, this is a valuable opportunity that has opened doors for me into the art world. Connecting with important art networks like CVAN Yorkshire and Humber, who nominated me, has been inspiring, and following the acquisition of my work by the Collection, the British Council granted me a Global Talent visa.

— Manish Harijan

In 2020, the Collection acquired over 90 works by artists across the UK, in partnership with regional and national visual arts networks. Art X-UK was a unique way of responding to the impact of COVID-19 on the visual arts sector. Following its success, the Collection established it as an annual project. It continues as a collaboration with the Contemporary Visual Arts Network (CVAN) across regions in England, Scottish Contemporary Art Network (SCAN), Visual Arts Group Wales (VAGW) and networks in Northern Ireland.

Every year until 2027, we will be working with two to three networks a year. The networks will nominate artists to be considered for acquisition. The Government Art Collection’s Advisory Committee will consider all the works before they join the Collection.

As a Cambridge-based artist having my work selected for the Government Art Collection was a huge boost. The recognition and validation of my practice has been extremely encouraging, and I’m excited to be part of a national collection for the first time.

— Harold Offeh

The project supports artists across the country and ensures the Government Art Collection is a national collection that truly represents the UK today.

To keep updated on Art X-UK and learn more about these artworks, follow the Government Art Collection on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and use the hashtag #ArtXUK to take part in the conversation.

A slab of concrete against an orange background

Art X-UK 2020-21

Over 2020, the Government Art Collection collected new works by 45 visual artists from across the UK, celebrating and supporting the diversity of creativity across the Union.

Art X-UK 2022-23

The Collection's acquisition project, Art X-UK, continues over 2022–23 collecting art by artists from the East and West Midlands, and Wales.

A disembodied arm holding a brass instrument

Art X-UK 2023-24

Art X-UK continues in 2023-24 focusing on artists in Scotland and North East England.