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armed forces
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Depth charge
Bow & arrow
Rocket launcher
Cannon ball
Artillery battery
Chain shot
Barrage balloon
Bofors gun
Rifle (military)
Anti-aircraft shell
Shotgun (military)
Arms Results
Horse Guards Parade
Samuel Scott (c.1702 - 1772)
John Campbell, Lord Glenorchy, 3rd Earl Breadalbane and Holland (c.1696-1782) politician
John Wootton (c.1682 - 1765)
Amor and Psyche
Kaspar Steiner (1734 - 1812)
King George IV (1762-1830) Regent 1811-20, Reigned 1820-30
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769 - 1830)
Thomas Hodgetts
Charles XII (1682-1718) King of Sweden
David von (after) Krafft (1655 - 1724)
The South Prospect of Dover, in the County of Kent
Samuel and Nathaniel Buck (1696 - 1779)
King George V (1865-1936) Reigned 1910-36
Sir Samuel Luke (after) Fildes
The Town of Dixan in Abyssinia
Henry Salt (1780 - 1827)
Daniell Havell (1785 - 1826)
The Battle / Le Combat
Thomas Stothard (1755 - 1834)
William Ward (1766 - 1826)
Map of the River Danube
Willem (Guillaume) Blaeu ( - 1638)
War Equipment on Algiers Quayside
Bernard Hailstone (1910 - 1987)
Procris Killed by an Arrow, which Cephalus darted through the Thicket
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
The Battle of Alexandria, March 21st 1801 / Bataille d’Alexandrie, le 21 Mars, 1801
William Willermin
Charles Turner (1774 - 1857)
James Mitan (1776 - 1822)
Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of Leeds (1631-1712) Lord High Treasurer
Wolfgang William Claret ( - 1706)
Perspective View of the Town of St. Hillary, in Jersey
British 18th century unknown
The Embassy of Hyderbeck to Calcutta, from the Vizier of Oude, by way of Patna, in the Year 1788, to meet Lord Cornwallis
Johann Zoffany (1733 - 1810)
Richard Earlom (1743 - 1822)
The Long Arm of a Pluralist Man
David Winters (1942 - )
An Officer of the 4th Light Dragoons: probably Lt-Col. James John Hugonin (1782-1854)
James Pardon (c.1794 - 1862)
Thisbe takes the Sword already Reeking with the Blood of Pyramus, plunges it into her own Breast
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Battle of Blenheim
Joshua, Jnr Ross
Bullock’s Museum, 22 Piccadilly
British 19th century unknown
Game Keepers
George Stubbs (1724 - 1806)
Amos Green (1735 - 1807)
Richard and Laurie, Robert ("Henry Birche") Earlom
Lionel Cranfield Sackville, 1st Duke of Dorset (1688-1765) politician and courtier
Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646 - 1723)
King George V (1865-1936) Reigned 1910-36
Sir Samuel Luke (after) Fildes
In Mist, or Cloud, on Mast or Shroud
David Jones (1895 - 1974)
King Charles II (1630-85) Reigned 1660-85
Pieter Thys (1624 - 1677)
A Diplomat
Adam Buck (1759 - 1834)
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) Field-Marshal & Prime Minister
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769 - 1830)
William Bromley (1769 - 1842)
The Arms of King George VI
Stephen Gooden (1892 - 1955)
Dovecot Studios - Edinburgh Tapestry Company
Henry William Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey (1768-1854) Field Marshal, politician and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
Henry Richard Graves (1818 - 1882)
The Showboat at Baghdad
Edward Bawden (1903 - 1989)
View of St. James’s Palace
Edward Dayes (1763 - 1804)
John Neagle ( - 1822)
George Gordon, 2nd Marquess of Huntly (c.1590-1649) nobleman
Sir Anthony van Dyck (1599 - 1641)
R W Satchwell
Robert Cooper
Horsemen in Combat
Jacques, (Le Bourguignon) Courtois (1621 - 1676)
Philip Affleck (1726-1799) Admiral
Edward Penny (1714 - 1791)
John Young (1755 - 1825)
Statue of Lord Heathfield in the Alameda Gardens [title page]
J M Carter
Thomas Coleman Dibdin (1810 - 1893)
Painting Ships
Roland Vivian Pitchforth (1895 - 1982)
Sir George Lloyd Hodges (1792-1862) soldier and diplomat
British 19th century unknown
Men-o-War in Action: English Ship and Barbary Pirate Vessels
Willem van de, II Velde (1633 - 1707)
William Cavendish, 4th Duke of Devonshire (1720-64)
Thomas Hudson (1701 - 1779)
Malcolm Osborne (1880 - 1963)
Thomas, 1st Baron Coventry (1578-1640) lawyer, judge and politician
Cornelius, (After) Johnson
Meleager Presents to Atalanta the Head of the Callydonian Boar
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Naval Review at Spithead. Her Majesty The Queen Reviewing the Fleet in Action
Sir Oswald Walters Brierly (1817 - 1894)
Thomas Goldsworth Dutton (c.1819 - 1891)
The Piazza or Square of Saint Mark in Zante
Joseph Cartwright (1789 - 1829)
Robert, Snr Havell (1769 - 1832)
Robert, Jnr Havell (1793 - 1878)
Francis Osborne, 5th Duke of Leeds (1751-99) Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769 - 1830)
Robert Mitchell Meadows ( - 1812)
A King and his Mace-Bearer, AD1310
Samuel Rush Meyrick (1783 - 1848)
W Maddocks
Sir John Gilpin
Charles Green (1840 - 1898)
John Graham, 1st Viscount of Dundee (1648?-1689) Jacobite army officer
Sir Peter Lely (1618 - 1680)
William Hilton (1786 - 1839)
John Samuel Agar (c.1773 - 1858)
Hay MacDowell (1759-1809) General
Sir Henry Raeburn (1756 - 1823)
Henry Macbeth-Raeburn (1860 - 1947)
View of Privy-Garden, Westminster / Vue du Privy-Garden à Westminster
John Boydell (1719 - 1804)
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