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Screen of Edward the Confessor
Frederick Mackenzie (1787 - 1854)
George Robert Lewis (1782 - 1871)
Spanish Village Scene
Ethelbert White (1891 - 1972)
Sir Jasper Atkinson (1790-1856) Provost of the Royal Mint, with his daughter Jane Laura (b.1820)
Charles Harding
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) Field-Marshal & Prime Minister
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769 - 1830)
William Bromley (1769 - 1842)
The Queen’s Private Sitting Room
Joseph Nash (1808 - 1878)
It was the fourth time that Daddy had fallen for the exploding fork routine…
Glen Baxter (1944 - )
Homage to Richard Addinsell
Lesley Blanch (1904 - 2007)
Crimson Drawing Room
Joseph Nash (1808 - 1878)
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
S Athen
James Wilson (1805-1860) economist and politician
Sir John Watson Gordon (1788 - 1864)
Frederick Stacpoole (1813 - 1907)
Philip Affleck (1726-1799) Admiral
Edward Penny (1714 - 1791)
John Young (1755 - 1825)
The Relapse: Lory and Fashion (Act 4, Scene 4)
William Powell Frith (1819 - 1909)
The Encampment in St. James’s Park, 1780
Paul Sandby (1731 - 1809)
“Two Pair of Portraits;” – presented to all the unbiassed Electors of Great Britain, by John Horne Tooke.
James Gillray (1756 - 1815)
C Starck
Sir John Gilpin
Charles Green (1840 - 1898)
Study of Drapery No. 3
Caroline White (1952 - )
Dead Leaves and Flowers
Thelma Hulbert (1913 - 1995)
Le Coucher
Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732 - 1806)
Sigmund Freudenberger (1745 - 1801)
Antoine-Jean Duclos (1742 - 1795)
Louis Bosse
The Picture Gallery, Stafford House [now Lancaster House]
James Digman Wingfield (1800 - 1872)
The Bull Ring, Ronda, Spain
Paul Nash (1889 - 1946)
A Sheet of Figure Studies
George Jones (1786 - 1869)
Thomas Spring Rice, 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon (1790-1866) politician; Chancellor of the Exchequer
John Linnell (1792 - 1882)
Bachelor’s Hall Plate 6
Francis Calcraft Turner ( - 1846)
La Promenade du Soir
Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732 - 1806)
Sigmund Freudenberger (1745 - 1801)
jnr Ingous
Thomas Newton (1704-1782) Bishop of Bristol
Benjamin West (1738 - 1820)
Richard Earlom (1743 - 1822)
George Washington (1732-1799) revolutionary army officer and first President of the United States of America
Gilbert Charles Stuart (1755 - 1828)
James Heath (1757 - 1834)
The Duke of Wellington’s Library, Study and Sleeping Apartment, at Walmer Castle, and the Room in which he died, 14 September 1852, Aged 84 Years
Frederick Shephard
Thomas Henry Ellis (1814 - 1886)
Lady Arabella Stuart (1575-1615) Cousin of King James VI & I
British 17th century unknown
Judge seated
General Post Office, St. Martin’s le Grand
William Simpson (1823 - 1899)
Thomas Picken (1815 - 1870)
Queen Victoria and her Family
Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1806 - 1873)
Leon Noel
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston (1784-1865) Prime Minister
John Partridge (1789 - 1872)
Samuel Cousins (1801 - 1887)
Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829) chemist and inventor
James Lonsdale (1777 - 1839)
William Henry Worthington (c.1790 - )
Woman’s Sphere (“Echo” after John Gilbert)
Walter Richard Sickert (1860 - 1942)
A Visit to the Boarding School
George Morland (1763 - 1804)
William Ward (1766 - 1826)
Matthew White Ridley, 1st Viscount Ridley (1842-1904) politican
Sir Hubert von Herkomer (1849 - 1914)
Henry Scott Bridgewater (1864 - 1946)
Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman (1779-1854) judge; Chief Justice of the King’s Bench
Eden Upton Eddis (1812 - 1901)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
St. George’s Hall, Windsor
Joseph Nash (1808 - 1878)
Ladies in a Country House Garden
John Melchior Barralet
William Henry Cavendish Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738-1809)
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723 - 1792)
John, I Murphy (c1748 - )
Law Society Library, Chancery Lane
John Ward (1917 - 2007)
On the Patio
Carel Weight (1908 - 1997)
Garden with Chairs
Norman Rowe (1929 - )
Sir Anthony Mildmay (c.1549-1617)
Edward Harding (1755 - 1840)
La Promenade du Matin
Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732 - 1806)
Sigmund Freudenberger (1745 - 1801)
Charles Louis Lingée (1748 - 1819)
The Hall, Carlton House
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
John Bluck
The Upper Room of the Gibraltar Garrison Library
J M Carter
Thomas Coleman Dibdin (1810 - 1893)
Sir George Cornewall Lewis, 2nd Baronet (1806-1863)
John Watkins (1823 - 1874)
D J Pound
Hall, Littlecotes, Wiltshire
Joseph Nash (1808 - 1878)
Elizabeth, Lady Stuart de Rothesay and her Daughters, Charlotte (later Countess Canning) and Louisa (later Marchioness of Waterford)
Sir George Hayter (1792 - 1871)
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