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North Front to St. James’s Palace from Cleveland Row
Thomas Shotter Boys (1803 - 1874)
The Encampment in St. James’s Park, 1780
Paul Sandby (1731 - 1809)
Meleager Presents to Atalanta the Head of the Callydonian Boar
Charles Monnet (1732 - 1808)
William, I Walker (1729 - 1793)
Vue de la Rue dite la Mauer Strasse, ainsi que de l’Eglise Bohemienne prise du Coté de l’Eglise de la Sainte Trinité, Berlin
Johann (Jean) Georg Rosenberg (1739 - 1808)
May: View of the Place of Peter the Great and the Senate House at St. Petersburg / Vue de la Place de Pierre le Grand et du Sénat de St. Petersbourg
John Clark
Matthew Dubourg
Sir John Gilpin
Charles Green (1840 - 1898)
New Coloured Fire from the Vast Strange Country
Joe Tilson (1928 - 2023)
A View of St. James’s Palace, Pall-Mall, etc. / Vüe du Palais Royal d St. Jacques, Pall-Mall etc
Thomas Bowles (1712 - 1767)
The Horse-Guards
Michael Angelo Rooker (1746 - 1801)
Edward Rooker (1712 - 1774)
Hay MacDowell (1759-1809) General
Sir Henry Raeburn (1756 - 1823)
Henry Macbeth-Raeburn (1860 - 1947)
La Lucha del Pueblo Español por su Libertad
R B Kitaj (1932 - 2007)
View of Privy-Garden, Westminster / Vue du Privy-Garden à Westminster
John Boydell (1719 - 1804)
Stage Coach
James Pollard (1792 - 1867)
Matthew Dubourg
King George III (1738-1820, Reigned 1760-1820) Reviewing the Volunteers on the 4th of June 1799
Robert Ker Porter (1777 - 1842)
Samuel William Reynolds (1773 - 1835)
The Battel between the Spaniards and the Pyrats or Buccaniers before the Citty of Panama
Johannes Kip (1653 - 1722)
The Death of General Sir Ralph Abercrombie
Robert Ker Porter (1777 - 1842)
Giovanni Vendramini (1769 - 1839)
Harwich, Essex
Henry Warren (1794 - 1879)
Edward Francis Finden (1791 - 1857)
A Chinese Military Post
William Alexander (1767 - 1816)
John Pass
Eastern View of the Castle & Garden
Joseph Nash (1808 - 1878)
Crusader Tanks on Manoeuvres
Roland Vivian Pitchforth (1895 - 1982)
How Sallies are Defended and Repulsed
British 18th century unknown
A Perspective View of the Parade in St. James’s Park / Vue de la Parade dans le Parc de St. James
John Maurer
Battle Scene
Joshua, Jnr Ross
London from Greenwich
Thomas Shotter Boys (1803 - 1874)
St. Aldate’s from Carfax
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
John Hill (1770 - 1850)
Melrose Abbey
James Norie (1684 - 1757)
Coronation Day, June 2nd 1953
Cathleen Mann (1896 - 1959)
The State Coach Outside Buckingham Palace
Paul Lucien Maze (1887 - 1979)
Village of Dinton, January 1941
Henry Marvell Carr (1894 - 1970)
Grooming Horses
William Roberts (1895 - 1980)
The Valley of Mexico
Daniel Thomas Egerton (c.1800 - 1842)
Let a Thousand Parks Bloom
Joe Tilson (1928 - 2023)
View in Parliament Street (shewing Whitehall, the Treasury &c), Westminster
George Sidney Shepherd (1784 - 1862)
Richard Roffe (1781 - 1846)
The Battle of Goojerat, on the 21st February 1849
Henry Martens ( - 1854)
John, III Harris (1811 - 1865)
HM The Queen Leaving Westminster Abbey, June 1953
P Chandra De
Prince Eugène of Savoy (François-Eugène, Prince de Savoie-Carignan) (1663-1736) soldier
Matthaus von, (Jnr) Merian (1621 - 1687)
Pieter van Gunst (c.1667 - 1724)
Schönbrunn from the Palace October 1945
Carel Weight (1908 - 1997)
Gunner Paul March (Canadian Forces)
Henry Lamb (1883 - 1960)
The Defence of Gibraltar in the Afternoon of 13 September 1782
Richard Paton (1717 - 1791)
James Fittler (1758 - 1835)
View of Piccadilly from Hyde Park Corner Turnpike; Pall Mall
British 19th century unknown
Buckingham Palace
Edmund Walker (1813/14 - 1882)
Day and Son
Rio Frio
John Phillips (1822 - c1889)
Alfred Rider
Day and Son
Landscape with Cavalry Skirmish in a Wood
Pieter Snayers ( - 1666)
The War Office
William Monk (1863 - 1937)
St. George’s Hall, Windsor
Joseph Nash (1808 - 1878)
Chelsea Hospital
Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827)
Auguste Charles Pugin (1762 - 1832)
John Bluck
A View of the Encampment in St. James’s Park, July 1780
British 18th century unknown
The Attack on the Fort of Luft
R Temple
Horse Guards Parade
Edwin La Dell (1914 - 1970)
Charles Mordaunt, 3rd Earl of Peterborough and 1st Earl of Monmouth (1658?-1735) soldier and diplomat
Sir Godfrey Kneller (1646 - 1723)
Jacobus Houbraken (1698 - 1780)
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